Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
I was working in my office just a usual one day about two years ago. And God suddenly spoke this question to me . . . in his teaching mode. "Is your view of God as a winner or as a looser?"
I replied . . . "run that idea past me one more time I never thought about it that way."
His reply was "Will there be more people in hell…
ContinueAdded by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 24, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment
Good news . . . Good news . . . the bug eater has lost his head. That's right folks . . . another heretic has lost his second head. We all know . . . that anyone . . . that is a heretic . . . has lost his mind.
Our investigative reporter has found out that a dancer has tripped up the bug eater. Is not Karma wonderful. The guy shoots off his mouth at everyone…
ContinueAdded by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 24, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments
It seems a new kid has taken the place of the Bug eater since the arrest. Our sources tell us most of the bug eaters students have been seen with the new kid.
And every time the new kid shows up at synagogue he always starts some kind of ruckus. He almost alway breaks the laws of Moses during synagogue. Imagine a man healing on the sabbath . . . how horrible. We've heard that he will not allow anyone to elder…
ContinueAdded by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 17, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments
Well folks . . . just when life gets back to normal . . . another heretic has popped up. And we have reports that the new kid is a first cousin to the bug eater. Now the new kid is crazier than his cousin . . . because our sources tell us the new kid is preaching the same heretical nonsense about making a straight road to God. What is in the water that these people are drinking?
We have done a back round check…
ContinueAdded by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 3, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments
I won two of my senior class category polls in a class of 185 students. I was the winner of the shortest male student and the shyest. And the fact of the matter was I was not the shortest and I was not the shyest. Another student in my class was the shyest . . . he would never talk to anyone . . . the reason that I won the student poll was . . . I had red hair. I could not hide. I weighed 102 lbs. at graduation.
ContinueAdded by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 2, 2011 at 1:00pm — 11 Comments
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