Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Certainty: Perhaps the Court of Quaker Opinion knows the importance of certainty for belief.
Truth: Perhaps certainty is not truth, and is less important than doubt for arriving at truth.
Certainty: The joy accompanying certainty witnesses to its personal worth.
Truth: The strength accompanying truth witnesses to the world its lasting endurance.
Certainty: My experience is validated by certainty.
Truth: Love is the only true validation of a human life.…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 31, 2014 at 7:30am — No Comments
OMG - did you sense and understand that?!
This is Christ's News Team: Local managers/overseers, reporters/prophets, and editors/elders at God's service. For the God of loving communication has a fierce way of providing it.
No stone/emotion/thought/betrayal left unturned; no inside scoop barred from exposure; and no complacency left unchecked. This is a crackerjack team of publishers of truth.
They are only mystical in the sense of trying to solve, not propagate, the…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 24, 2014 at 8:00am — 1 Comment
E.D.: We presume that the Court of Quaker Opinion is humble enough to trust the unfolding of evolutionary destiny.
Freedom: Humility demands that you consider the possible unfolding of evolutionary destruction, as well.
E.D.: In either case, we need to respect the cosmic control of evolution.
Freedom: Which is your way, as the ancient Greeks before you, of deifying evolution, or cosmos.
E.D.: God works through natural processes, which over time reach…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 20, 2014 at 1:07pm — 6 Comments
Gift: We rejoice in the gifts of God as cherished by the Court of Quaker Opinion.
Giver: The Bible is a gift of God that is not for believing in, but, rather, believing with.
Gift: What about truth?
Giver: The truth is likewise a gift of God that is not for believing in, but, rather, believing with.
Gift: What about Christianity?
Giver: Christianity, as a way of life, is also a gift of God that is not for believing in, but, rather, believing…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 17, 2014 at 8:00am — 2 Comments
Because God's blessings are abundant, they are free for the asking. Because God's grace is sufficient, there is no charge; it is a gift and not earned income, yet invites reciprocal outflow. Because God's redemption is paid in full, repossessing is not an issue - yet, there's no interest paid by most brokers.
If our lives have been purchased by God, why are we always looking for credit and worried about our net worth?! Where sin abounds, the economy of grace playgrounds for the…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 10, 2014 at 7:30am — 4 Comments
Stature: It has pleased the Court of Quaker Opinion to look to "Friends of Stature" for enlightenment and direction.
Nature: The truth that familiarity breeds contempt, or at least disregard, prevents such from being looked for "in(Meeting)house".
Stature: We supply the interest and enthusiasm formerly generated by itinerant Public Friends.
Nature: Aside from threshing ministry held in public, travelling ministers offered their supplemental assistance in Meetings and…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 3rd mo. 3, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments
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