QuakerQuaker's Blog – 8th mo. 2010 Archive (46)

John Edminster: The basic gospel message is love

John Edminster: The basic gospel message is love. But love is not primarily a feeling, but a decision of the will: I will not hurt you back if you hurt me. I will not cheat you, tell you lies, or manipulate you for my own advantage. I will lay down my life for you if that will save yours. That’s what the Gospel asks me to do, and I will do it, and I pray that God will give me the strength to… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 16, 2010 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

Jessica Belt: Waiting for God in Silence (at New England YM)

Jessica Belt: Waiting for God in Silence (at New England YM). Some Quakers would say it’s not possible to explain what happens in the silent worship we share. Often, silence was interrupted by sounds of fidgeting and shifting, but every so often, this white noise would cease as the silence grew palpably thick. …


Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 16, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Mark W: relying on the word "Quaker"

Mark W: relying on the word "Quaker". What if you were no longer allowed to call yourself Quaker, while still maintaining the same level of membership in your faith community? What would you feel you had lost?

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Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 16, 2010 at 9:29am — No Comments

Judy Goldberger: On Sacred Ground

Judy Goldberger: On Sacred Ground. 'As the mother tenderly helped her daughter out of the stroller, my eye fell for the first time on the handwritten cardboard sign that the girl had been carrying. “I miss my dad,” it read. “He was deported.”'

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Witness and… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 16, 2010 at 9:24am — No Comments

Gem: towards financial equality amongst Friends?

Gem: towards financial equality amongst Friends? As we begin to talk about fiscal equality and the sharing of resources we need to learn to be open with one another about what our fiscal resources are and where the need lies.

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Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 14, 2010 at 3:07am — No Comments

Quaker Youth Pilgrimage 2010 Epistle

Quaker Youth Pilgrimage 2010 Epistle. Perhaps the most significant factor to set QYP apart from any other experience, Quaker or otherwise, is the sense of immersion which comes from living in a close-knit and, in many respects, isolated community for as long as we have. Our use of music as well as our introduction to compassionate listening added strength to the foundation of… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 13, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Liz Opp: Qualities of a Quaker worship community

Liz Opp: Qualities of a Quaker worship community.

... when a Friend is in crisis, our meetings rally around the person to help her or him over the hump, providing careful listening and regular support--be it financial, medical, familial, vocational. On the other hand, how regularly do we ask questions of one another about God or the Loving Principle in our lives, or how… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 13, 2010 at 4:22pm — No Comments

Wess Daniels: Quaker Youth Pilgrimage visits Camas Friends

Wess Daniels: The Quaker Youth Pilgrimage visits Camas Friends Church. I am really proud of our meeting because it is open to doing “convergent” activities like this even though it may stretch us at times (or maybe because of it). And quite frankly, this was just a lot of fun. I don’t know a lot of programmed meetings who are willing to open their doors like this and so I feel really… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 11, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments

Tony Lowe: Taking up residency where God's love flows freely

Tony Lowe: Taking up residency where God's love flows freely. It’s not an easy place to be. People on both sides are often disappointed or angry or no longer even consider you a friend because they perceive you are not in total agreement with them, or don’t understand why you have to look at issues from more than one side. It’s not an easy place to be because it demands that you act and… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 11, 2010 at 9:28am — 1 Comment

QuakerDave on Anne Rice's quitting Christianity & role of community

QuakerDave on Anne Rice's quitting Christianity. I honestly don’t understand how someone 'quits' being a Christian and still claims having a commitment to Christ. I’m always sad when I hear that someone feels compelled to leave her/his faith community. It tells me that that person’s spiritual needs are not being met there, that that community has probably failed that person. That’s… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 10, 2010 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

Kevin C didn't have a good time at yearly meeting

Kevin C didn't have a good time at yearly meeting. I saw this at Yearly Meeting and my impressions were confirmed by other Friends I spoke with privately. Several threw their hands up in the air, stating that this had been the way things always had been ever since they'd been attending. It is from these conversations that I understood the dysfunction was systemic and totally… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 10, 2010 at 6:26pm — No Comments

Ashley W on a summer spent released for ministry

Ashley W on a summer spent released for ministry. I had to figure out what a life of ministry looked like on a day-to-day basis. Frequently, it involved waking up, going for a run, having breakfast, spending time in prayer, and catching up on emails and phone calls. I planned events and workshops, spent time reading and writing (though not as much as I expected!), and took a lot of naps. Some days my life… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 10, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

David Carl: Imagined Christ, Real Christ (Extended Worship at FGC)

David Carl: Imagined Christ, Real Christ (Extended Worship at FGC). We worshipped in stillness for two hours daily, and then opened for discussion for an hour. I was astounded to learn that the second hour of worship was not merely a continuation of the first. It was qualitatively different, as if God were saying, "oh, so you've decided to stick around? Now I'll show you something!"… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 7, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

How do Friends Know What They Know?

Charles E. Jackson: How do Friends Know What They Know?. The supremacy of experience is at the very core of what it means to be a Quaker. A Quaker does not reject authority, but all authority-based belief, whether it is gleaned from a book or from the pronouncements of a human being granted authority, cannot equal the validity of belief that arises from our direct, personal experience. This is the seminal message of… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 7, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Suzanne's Musings described a "sabbatical" from worship

Suzanne's Musings described a "sabbatical" from worship. I’m back, and not because anything dramatic happened within me or my Meeting. And I must confess that I am still strongly skeptical of the notion of being released from communal worship. However, I can see that my time away had the effect of giving me the chance to choose Quakerism again. It feels a bit like a “renewal of vows” and commitment to… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 7, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

George Fox's Message Via His Scripture Quotations

George Fox's Message Via His Scripture Quotations. I compiled a list using only those verses appearing in Fox’s epistles, reasoning that the epistles were more pastoral in nature and I wanted the verses that Fox would quote when writing to other Friends. From this set of verses, and looking at the way Fox used them, I pieced together a description of Fox’s message that, while… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 5, 2010 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Brent Bill's Indiana cult (aka the worship group at his farm)

Brent Bill's Indiana cult (aka the worship group at his farm). The group has been meeting for a few years now. It started (and continues to be) based on Spirit-led Quaker worship. No agenda except that which arises from God's moving within those who gather. We have agreed on a principle of theological hospitality, too -- which means that all are welcome regardless of their theological… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 5, 2010 at 7:45pm — No Comments

Kevin Camp: Marginalizing Ourselves While Trying To Not Marginalize Others

Marginalizing Ourselves While Trying To Not Marginalize Others. As a Quaker, I am called to seek the Divine within every person, and no distinction ought to be drawn between any person for any reason. This is often referred to as a spiritual discipline for a reason. Discipline implies continual exertion and constant effort. Much like with any other difficult endeavor, some have worked longer… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 5, 2010 at 7:39pm — No Comments

Sheffield's Laura Kerr: Water-Based Metaphors for Quaker Meeting

Sheffield's Laura Kerr: Water-Based Metaphors for Quaker Meeting. At our last Sunday meeting for worship we heard ministry from a Friend who had been on a sailing trip, and recently returned. For her, still feeling the motion of the waves, and the unsteadiness of the room (rocking up and down!) set off thoughts of how we each sit there, bringing our own peculiar and immediate… Continue

Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 5, 2010 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Danny Coleman: Leonard Ravenhill on George Fox

Danny Coleman: Leonard Ravenhill on George Fox. "George Fox alone has, without human learning, done more than any other reformer in Protestant Christendom towards the restoration of real, primitive, unadulterated Christianity..." Posted by Alice M Yaxley

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Added by QuakerQuaker on 8th mo. 4, 2010 at 10:31am — No Comments

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