Rickey D. Whetstone's Blog (45)

Standing around the Cross

Many watched . . . as Jesus and the other two men were hanging on their crosses.

Many watched . . . wanting Jesus to come down off the cross with his power . . . to show everyone who was right and who was wrong.

Others watched . . . with the intent of proving their decisions were correct about Jesus.

Some watched . . . without any feelings.

If you were alive at that time? What would have been going on in your mind?

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 26, 2011 at 12:21pm — 4 Comments

The struggle between Good and Evil

The news media today seems  insanely  driven  in its efforts to overturn the current governments in power in the Arab world.   The US media does not understand Arab culture, or Islam.   Every time a revolt happens countless numbers of innocent  humans are slaughtered in the name of change.  Just look at the history of Afghanistan for instance.


Anyone with common sense is flabbergasted at the destruction of some of the national treasures of Egypt.  What drives a person to…


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 1, 2011 at 12:24pm — 4 Comments

Sheep and Goats

Mat 25:31  When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:  32  And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:  33  And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. :34  Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom…


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 1st mo. 30, 2011 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

In Peru

Last night I spoke at a little church in Peru. Twenty five people came. I tried to encourage them . . . to have a direct relationship with God and not depend on the pastor. At the end of the service the people were observing me interact with their fellow members . . . as soon as I starting calling the old men my father and the older women my mother . . . . they let down their guard to the stranger from the United States and I became their friend. The pastor invited me to come back again next… Continue

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 11th mo. 27, 2010 at 10:50am — No Comments

Do you Bless those who curse you?

(Dan 6:21) Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever.

Daniel had been placed in the lion's den by orders of the King.

And at the end of the ordeal . . . Daniel blessed his oppressor.

Did Daniel have a deeper spiritual life than most humans that inhabit the earth?

Or was he . . . just as…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 11th mo. 19, 2010 at 10:56pm — 1 Comment

Why? Twice as bad.

(Mat 23:15) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

How is it possible to convert another human from their pagan religion . . . to…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 10th mo. 30, 2010 at 3:20am — 4 Comments

Physical Eyes or Spiritual Eyes

(Luke 17:20) And being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation.

(Luke 17:21) Nor shall they say, Lo here! or, behold, there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The Pharisees of the time of Jesus . . . were using their physical eyes instead of their spiritual eyes to obtain knowledge from God. Jesus's…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 10th mo. 28, 2010 at 8:03pm — 1 Comment

She does not know what she is worshiping.

Dumping my old culture five years ago was an important spiritual step. I saw myself clothed in chains of my old culture. As each cultural chain broke off my body I felt a new freedom and sadness at the same time. I thought the sadness . . . that I experienced was me . . . It was not me . . It was a spirit trying to bring me back to my old culture. The instant I saw the spirit it became powerless over me.

I've saw a different spirit this week, and it stood with power . . .…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 10th mo. 26, 2010 at 10:43pm — 2 Comments


Do any Quakers still Quake?

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 6th mo. 25, 2010 at 8:02am — No Comments

Bumper Sticker

I saw a bumper sticker last week . . . that proclaimed . . . . "My God is too big to fit into one religion."

I repeated the idea to my sister-in-law a few days later.

I stated that the phrase had become one of my favorites.

She was suddenly moved to ask me many questions about God,

and why . . . I was attracted to the statement.

What are your thoughts?

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 6th mo. 3, 2010 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Can the Blind lead the Blind?

Jesus spoke this parable in Luke 6:39, so . . . what spiritual principal was Jesus teaching?

The only being that has a monopoly on truth is God.

According to Jesus . . . all men are blind to the truth.

And we are only on the correct path . . . when we are lead by God . . . on a daily basis.

This is all according to the Master Plan of God.

The children of Israel…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 22, 2010 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Daniel's Type Spiritual Maturity . . . where is it today?

If a foreign power . . . invaded your country, and destroyed your hometown, burnt down your place of worship, and took you as a prisoner of war.

How would your react to your captors?

Did Daniel act like a typical human and succumb to the national spirit of pride and vow to avenge all wrongs.

I have yet to observe anyone that conducts themselves with the spiritual maturity of Daniel.


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 18, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

What Spirit influences you today?

Understanding the words and teachings and actions of Jesus, will be confusing to anyone . . . unless they understand the Master Plan of God. Matt. 10:34-36

In Luke 9:55 Jesus tell's his disciples "You do not know what type of spirit is influencing you." Why . . . did he say these words? . . Because they asked for permission to call fire down from Heaven . . . to consume a city in Samaria that would not host… Continue

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 16, 2010 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Knock knock . . . Who's there?

It does us good to study the life of Jesus in the four gospels. Many times Jesus preformed unorthodox actions, which confused many of the Jews. Today . . . we have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight . . . looking back into history and seeing the results of the actions of others . . . and the results of the actions of Jesus . . . that have affected generation after generation after generation.

Jesus said and taught many ideas, that were so foreign to the thinking of the great…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 12, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

How the Gospel Came to You (For Thy Sake)

The majority of the people that live in Western Culture, have no idea of their spiritual roots, or as others would use the term, spiritual history.

How did your ancestors come to know Christ?

What events happen in the past . . . that brought you the Good News?

The Good News . . . conquered the Roman Empire with out a physical war of swords and arrows.

The Roman Empire was brought the Good…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 9, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

When we COME to HIM.

My mother was the Queen of worry. She died the first week of August 2009 at the ripe old age of 83. She taught me how to worry . . . without a single classroom lesson. I picked up her spirit of worry . . . as a small child. I now know . . . it was a family spirit of worry . . . passed from one generation to the next. I've been free of the spirit of worry . . . ever since God revealed to me . . . his Master Plan.

Jesus instructs us not worry in Matt. chapter…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 8, 2010 at 10:26pm — 1 Comment

The Master Plan of God

I could not see the forest . . . for the trees.

This well know statement is an example, of the primary spiritual hurtle that mankind is faced with every day.

The Almighty has a Master Plan. A wonderful Plan. A Plan that encompasses the entire Universe.

Bits and pieces of the Plan can be seen . . . scattered here and there . . . through out the writings of the prophets.

If we do not have a…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 8, 2010 at 1:33am — 1 Comment

Spiritual Foundation

So . . . what is the spiritual foundation . . . of the teachings of Jesus.

In other words . . . what is the driving force of the teachings of Jesus.

To get to the answer . . . we must go though a door, or passage way.

We have to breakout of our culture, just like any baby bird pecks its' way out of the egg.

A lawyer said "Master what is the most important commandment in the law?" Jesus…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 7, 2010 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Spiritual Maturity

The number of the teachings of Jesus, that we understand is a indicator of our level of spiritual knowledge.

The number of the teachings of Jesus, that we actually live in our lives, while here on earth is our degree of spiritual maturity.

A complete understanding of the foundation of the teachings of Jesus, empowers us to carry out our mission of love, without a doubt, without hesitation or any…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 7, 2010 at 12:08pm — 1 Comment

Our Culture

The culture we are born into . . . has a huge effect on our perspective, our thinking, and our understanding.

As a young child . . . I was told . . . Jesus died on the cross to make amends between God and mankind. I was told . . . God is angry with sin . . . God can not look at sin . . . God demands a sinless life . . . and the death of Jesus . . . made…

Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 2nd mo. 6, 2010 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

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