My mother was the Queen of worry. She died the first week of August 2009 at the ripe old age of 83. She taught me how to worry . . . without a single classroom lesson. I picked up her spirit of worry . . . as a small child. I now know . . . it was a family spirit of worry . . . passed from one generation to the next. I've been free of the spirit of worry . . . ever since God revealed to me . . . his Master Plan.

Jesus instructs us not worry in Matt. chapter 6.

Why should we not worry?

Because God is in control of the Universe.

And all men are very important to God.

Is there an event that sneaks up on God and takes him by surprise? Absolutely not!

When we worry . . . our focus is not on God . . . it is on the problem.

Jesus instructs us to "Come to him . . . all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; . . . and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is very light."

When we . . . come to him . . . We do not spill our problems to God.

When we . . . come to him . . . We give up our agenda.

When we . . . come to him . . . We will learn to act like him . . . or take his yoke.

When we . . . come to him . . . We will find rest . . . If we believe . . . He is in control of the Universe.

When we . . . come to him . . . our burden becomes very light . . . because we know of his Master Plan.

In God's Master Plan . . . God is in total control of Lucifer . . . So . . . what have we to worry. Luke 22:31

In God's Master Plan . . . God has created evil . . . So . . . what have we to worry. Isaiah 45:7-8

In God's Master Plan . . . Lucifer stands next to God, complaining about us day and night . . . So. what have we to worry. Rev 12:10

In God's Master Plan . . . God said "Behold I make all things new." . . . So what have we to worry. Rev. 21:5

In God's Master Plan . . . God is the winner and Lucifer is the loser . . . So what have we to worry.

In God's Master Plan . . . We see God making us Kings and Priests and we shall reign of the earth. Rev. 5:10

In God's Master Plan . . . We see every being in the Universe . . . Loving on God. So what have we to worry about? Rev. 5:11-14.

My plan is to have you . . . FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD!

Views: 55

Comment by Forrest Curo on 2nd mo. 11, 2010 at 6:01pm
The fact that God has found perfectly good reason to subject us to evil... sounds to me like a good reason to worry. It isn't that I'd expect this worrying to do any good! It reminds me of a certain cat I had, who needed a flea bath but didn't think so. He wouldn't actually attack me for trying to stuff him into his traveling cage, but once he knew what was up, he was too strong for me to stuff him into it. This doesn't apply to us; God can take us to the vet anytime He wants!-- but I'd rather not have to go!

So, why do we suffer harm? For other people's sake, sometimes. For our own sake, for solidarity with all us suffering poorsouls-- but also, it seems, just to slow us down a little from a state of incessant Happy-happy-happy!-- which might be as spiritually nourishing as a diet of pure candy. I dunno, I dunno; I've thought that in the past, considering people who didn't seem to have suffered enough to understand anyone else's suffering-- but I don't know if there's any truth to the notion whatsoever! What does seem self-evident: The fact that we suffer indicates that God has a purpose in it, which must be intended to serve human good.


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