Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Invest: Respecting the return on investment favored by the Court of Quaker Opinion, we put our money where our mouth is.
Divest: Helping the powerless to have a place at a politically-bankrupt table; the uneducated to get non-union wage jobs; and the disenfranchised to be assimilated into a culture of spending for the now, rather than saving for the future.
Invest: Deal with the world you're given.
Divest: And with the blessing of God for the poor, as "Blessed are the…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 9th mo. 29, 2014 at 6:30am — 1 Comment
Here at "Spirit and Truth" hospital we treat, in silence, everything from chronic racism to acute homophobia. We know, from experience, that just as depression is anger turned inward so also despair is oppression internalized.
In here, dysfunction has become the norm; and every condition, from self-identifying to self-destruction, is alternately embraced and rebelled against. Cases of feminist-fever, white-makes-right syndrome, stinking thinking, and gender-role resentment walk in…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 9th mo. 22, 2014 at 8:00am — 1 Comment
Re-veil: Honoring and guarding the mystery of religious experience for the Court of Quaker Opinion, we adhere to the "absolute perhaps".
Revelation: A mystery is something that can not be understood in full. We do not put the veil back on, but continue to draw it back from the face of compassion.
Re-veil: We are open to the possibility of continuing revelation.
Revelation: But mess-with, more than mesh-with, what has already been unveiled.
Re-veil: Like a Deposit…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 9th mo. 15, 2014 at 7:30am — No Comments
First, assume that Quakerism is a "do-it-yourself" religion/movement. Next, assume that Quakerism is eclectic(universal/catholic is another animal entirely) regarding beliefs and practices. Thirdly, assume that you only have to follow that which you are personally comfortable and/or committed. And lastly, tether yourself to a post - for being docile or obstinate.
Added by Clem Gerdelmann on 9th mo. 8, 2014 at 6:30am — 9 Comments
False: Imbued, as the Court of Quaker Opinion is full of it, with the divine imperative for humanity; this is boldness, for God's sake.
True: The son of man is imbued with a human imperative for God that is humble, for the sake of truth.
False: The son of God, as man, knows where his allegiance lies.
True: And so abandons what he is called to embrace for what has always been outside his grasp.
False: Putting yourself on the side of righteousness is pitting…
ContinueAdded by Clem Gerdelmann on 9th mo. 1, 2014 at 7:00am — 3 Comments
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