I remember my summer at Pendle Hill vividly. I remember the beautiful scenery and the even more beautiful people. I remember when I first really felt in the Presence of G-d. It was a wonderful time in my spiritual life and I enjoyed every minute of it.
However, I have noticed that with every beautifully intense spiritual moment of growth I experience, I am also deeply deeply disturbed at the very core of my being. While I was at Pendle Hill, I was disturbed by the…
Added by Jess Easter on 3rd mo. 15, 2011 at 10:02am —
1Ki 22:21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him.
Six years ago I left the holiness pentecostal movement. I can now see and identify the traits of a denominational spirit at work. It's job is to impersonate God. I was a third generation member…
Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 3rd mo. 14, 2011 at 11:00pm —
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I admit that I am new here to QQ. I find it a tremendous blessing as I am isolated. The many posts and articles and the library study which I have been enjoying is wonderful.
However, I have noticed a worrying trend. I have noticed that most posters are Quakers of one form or another. But I have also noticed many…
Added by Debrah on 3rd mo. 12, 2011 at 9:00pm —
1 Comment
One day a traveling minister happened through a small town in
this minister was famous for the gifts of discernment and healing
that GOD had bestowed upon him, He walked from town to town
spreading GODs word.
One of the local Religious Politicians invited the traveling…
Added by Daniel Paden on 3rd mo. 12, 2011 at 7:57pm —

I think I read the first ten pages of the late fifties UK classic The Comforters about ten times over before I really got it. As it turns out, my reaction was not uncommon. The reader is supposed to be initially confused. Spark’s novel deliberately scorns omniscient narration, opting instead for a grand experiment in…
Added by Kevin Camp on 3rd mo. 12, 2011 at 2:00pm —
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My husband let me sleep in a little this morning and I rose at 8:15 out of an amazing dream.
He handed me some coffee and I said "let me tell you the dream I had."
I saw a great wave that could only have been a Tsunami and it was coming from the west. I heard It will affect Hawaii and that it is under alert and that it could also affect the west coast of the United States.
I saw in the dream villages, that looked of dirt, or more primitive dried…
Added by Debrah on 3rd mo. 11, 2011 at 9:00am —
A couple of weeks ago, Earlham School of Religion, my Alma Mater, asked me to write a post for their official blog about my Quaker ministry in Colombia. When I submitted my contribution, I was told it would not be published, for it seemed too personal and polemic for the ESR blog readers. I still think it is a pretty cool text, so I am posting it here. I thank Earlham School of Religion for teaching me to think and write this way, even if now the strength and tone of my voice seems too…
Added by Adriana Cabrera-Velásquez on 3rd mo. 7, 2011 at 3:04pm —

Sometimes it is very difficult to put down exactly what a person believes other than the simple mechanics of one's faith. But that alone cannot convey the life of experiencing it, truly living it.
So I will give a type of testimony of how I was led.…
Added by Debrah on 3rd mo. 6, 2011 at 10:30am —
Mat 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Jesus asked the Pharisees if they knew the answer to the writings of David . . .who called the Messiah Lord . . . if the Messiah is the son of David.
More importantly the question is . . . do we understand the spiritual meaning of this scripture?…
Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 3rd mo. 6, 2011 at 12:54am —
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I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. John 15:15, NLT.
For white liberals of a certain generation, the Civil Rights Movement will always be front and center. A struggle for racial…
Added by Kevin Camp on 3rd mo. 5, 2011 at 8:30am —
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After teaching for six years at the county jail . . . about the love of God. I was contacted by a former student last month. Much to my surprise the contact was not for my assistance. It was about the student's spiritual growth.
Everything was going great for him. In fact he was receiving so much information from God he was wondering what to do with this new information. Whenever he would talk about his God experiences to others . . . they would walk away . . . muttering to…
Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 3rd mo. 4, 2011 at 10:49pm —
1 Comment
As I watched my son in law whirl around my grandson in the air I, enjoyed the screams of glee from my grandchild, and the loving smile and tender twinkle in his fathers eyes. In a family these are the moments we…
Added by Debrah on 3rd mo. 4, 2011 at 6:05pm —
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Grace...sound freed of meaning, stills and soothes.“Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound!”Grace...gentle, loving forgiveness.“And Grace, my fears relieved.”Grace...acceptance and… Continue
Added by Rick Seifert on 3rd mo. 3, 2011 at 8:34pm —
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A note on a noiseless home:
I remember visiting my grandmothers house, maybe you can remember visiting yours or some older member of your family. I remember the first thing which was immediately noticeable was the quiet. Perhaps all one would hear was the ticking of a clock or a bird chirping through an open window, or maybe a few dishes clattering…
Added by Debrah on 3rd mo. 2, 2011 at 1:19pm —
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