Event Talk: 2009 Reclaiming the Power of Primitive Quakerism for the 21st Century

This is a discussion thread for next weekend's conference in California, co-led by Robin Mohr, C Wess Daniels and myself.

If you're joining us there, feel free to post a brief introduction to yourself or share what you hope might happen. If you're not going to be able to make it you pass along your regards or suggest things we might talk about. I've posted more on my blog in How and why we gather as Friends (in the 21st Century).

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*sigh* Not gonna make it. Part of why the Way has not been open--or not very clear--has been that I've taken a more critical look at how much I had been traveling, and I've become resigned to the nudge to travel less, given the Plight of the World (i.e. climate change). It's a huge drawback by living in the midwest when there are dozens more opportunities to attend U.S. workshops between Massachusetts and North Carolina, between Oregon and California. So now, I'll travel to a Quaker event only if the Way is clear and/or if I feel a clear sense of God's call--not always one in the same.

Martin, I resonate with a question you've posted elsewhere, about the opportunity to create short video-interviews about our faith, our experience among Friends, etc. Will you be able to do something like that when out in California...? Maybe set up a "video booth" (akin to a photo booth) where there's a camera set up, instructions on what to do, and then during the free time, folks can push the RECORD button, start a timer, and then speak for a few minutes on whatever topic is given them. Just a thought.

You *know* I'll be watching Facebook and blogs more closely, come next weekend. And of course, I'll have my own project to keep working on--no travel involved!--for the Convergent Friends Reader. ...Did Robin mention bringing along hard copies of the survey and somehow getting them to me by March 1st...? Just curious.

More later, either from you, from me, or from someone else.

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up
Hello all and greetings from Seattle. I am really excited about this event and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I am not sure what to expect, but I am looking forward to meeting everyone, worship, time in the woods, and talking with others who are interested in where Friends are going. I am also thrilled to be traveling with my f/Friend Sarah P because I hardly ever get to see her. We'll do what we can to represent all the good folks in the Pacific Northwest!

I won't be able to make it for a number of reasons but here's what I would say in brief.

Convergent Friends needs to clarify its identity soon or, after a promising start, it will vanish into the ether. What CF should not be is a younger, hipper version of FWCC. We already have an organization devoted to promoting dialogue among the various branches of Quakerism.

Instead I think CF should take as its mission to evangelize the Evangelicals. Quakerism represents a version of Christianity that should be very attractive to open-minded evangelicals. These are people who are seeking the truth about Christ's message and I think many of them would be receptive to what we have to offer. Instead of hiding our Light under a bushel basket or being content to just talk among ourselves let's seek out ways to bring our message to those who are seeking Truth.-

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