Does this sound like something to be excited to join?

The idea of this game is more important than the contestants playing it. However, no one can really tell you what the idea is exactly, but only that it is more important than the players. In fact, the idea, now an objective, is so important that it needs to be considered from every perspective by the not-as-important contestants. This process of deciding the essential idea of the game of life will take up most of life's playing time.

Can we just play already?

Not when simple steps require extensive collaboration; not when the most accurate portrayal of self inhibits being able to be silly or sly; not when the fun of serendipity is impeded by the seriousness of strategy.

But I came to this game to have something to live/play, not something to offer/justify; to find the Teacher within, not teach others that they're ignorant of the importance of an ideal; to belong with others united in comraderie, not divided by heritage or heredity.

Here's an idea for you: The Game is "Heirs To the Kingdom", not "Heirs To An Ideal". 

Views: 396

Comment by Forrest Curo on 1st mo. 13, 2014 at 11:13am

God isn't more "real" if two people see him than if it's only one? You must not be a sociologist!

Where's your Phd?

"John the Baptist came fasting, and y'all said, 'He has a devil.' I come eating & drinking, and you say, 'What a drunken pig!' But Wisdom's children follow Her in the way they're given."

Comment by Clem Gerdelmann on 1st mo. 17, 2014 at 7:38am

Friend, if you need help with that - try Thomas D. Hamm's studies.


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