
A number of us plan to attend the Powell House weekend the end of this (Eighth) month. I ask your prayers that the Lord's will be done among us and through us.

As far as I can tell, we will be a group with quite diverse backgrounds meeting together for the first time. Since we are coming together for worship, and the purpose of the gathering, based on the title of the weekend is "Following Jesus Christ Within Community," there is much to look forward to.

Thanks to all who faithfully follow the Lord's leading to pray, to attend, or both.

Views: 188

Comment by Rsquared on 8th mo. 17, 2009 at 5:17pm
I will hold you in the light
Comment by Raye on 8th mo. 17, 2009 at 5:22pm
Thanks much, Friend.
Comment by Raye on 8th mo. 18, 2009 at 7:12am
Prayers on their way, for knowledge of the Lord's will and His power to accomplish it.
Comment by Raye on 9th mo. 16, 2009 at 5:45pm
Took a while, but here is a brief note of thanksgiving for the weekend. I was able to be there one day, but it was well spent. It was its own kind of experience - Friends from a number of yearly meetings, up and down the east coast and midwest. The small group I was in was a blessing, as we considered a query together, were drawn together into wordless worship, another query arose, and a time of intercessory prayer. It was a very rich time.


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