Jerusalem News . . . Heretic loose on the Jordan

The latest reports coming out the Jordan valley this week are about a crazy man that has the temple of God in an uproar.   It seems that a  young man  . . . that has not sat under a Rabbi has started teaching a new program about God . . . now get this . . . it does not involve the High Priest.  And yet people are flocking to the Jordan to get a look at this weirdo . . . who eats bugs. Yes he eats bugs . . . and he claims . . . now get this . . .  God told him to . . . eat bugs.


Yes . . . folks  . . . here we go again.  I just don't know what's got into our younger generation. You don't have to be a  catapult engineer  to figure out that Moses ordained the priest hood to connect man with God.  And the law is the law . . . God never changes . . . and he will never change the law. 


 Someone has got to put a stop to all this heretical madness.  It's just not kosher.  The next thing ya know . . . we have a new religion on our hands to deal with.  And the Romans will not take us seriously if a new religion springs up out the Jordan valley.  Worse yet Moses . . . would roll over in his grave.


We sent some of our best and brightest down there to question this new heretic.   They came back insulted and mumbling  . . . something about a riddle  . . . the bug eater . . . had taught them  . . . that an Axe was going to chop down all the trees of Jerusalem.    There is even  more crazy rumors that King Herod even likes the bug eater.  Now  . . . tell me  . . .how is the King going to entice new recruits into his army when this hits the fan.  


The grape vine now tells us . . . the bug eater is thinking about writing a book about God.  


All I know is . . . he'd better not set one foot in Jerusalem . . . if he does . . . he's ours. 


Heretics . . . ya never know . . . when one will sneak up on ya and start talking about the goodness of God.    My daddy always said   "A good heretic is a dead heretic,  cause God never changes.

Views: 58

Comment by Forrest Curo on 3rd mo. 22, 2011 at 3:11pm

Just a quibble... but locusts are kosher. (After they've eaten everything else, you could hardly expect people not to eat them. Eat your cattle?-- with the sort of soil you find in India, people mustn't eat their cattle in a famine; they'll need them to plow for the next crop! People's religious laws do tend to fit the conditions they live under...)


And Herod does not 'like' John, who has publicly criticized the political marriage that Herod had hoped would win him popularity with his Jewish subjects.


There were two versions of pre-Judaism at work here: a popular belief system based on northern peasant traditions, vs the official belief-system of the Temple hierarchy. Nobody was talking about a "new" religion; but they were arguing about what to emphasize in the religion they shared. "Give your neighbor your spare shirt" vs "Pay all your tithes."


I don't know about your daddy! He sounds confused, like many many others!


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