Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Many Quakers mistakenly assume that the modern liberal Quaker movement is not akin to the movement first began by the very earliest Quakers from the 1640’s into the 1670’s. Yet, three characteristics of these very earliest Quakers remain essential characteristics of liberal Quakers in modern times: Spiritual freedom, egalitarianism, and mysticism.
As with many spiritual movements at their beginning, Quakerism began as a free-flowing spiritual society. Highly influenced by Jesus’ own…
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 10th mo. 12, 2018 at 9:59pm — 4 Comments
There are four distinct structural arrangements utilized by unprogrammed Quaker meetings. Meetings tend to gravitate to one of these, or may use a hybrid structure taken from one or more of these. Here’s my assessment of them. Which structure does your meeting use, and how does it work for your community of Friends?
Laissez-faire Arrangement
This is where a spiritual core Presence is not a priority at the meeting. Friends are there basically as individuals to…
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 8th mo. 4, 2016 at 8:00pm — 13 Comments
I tend to over-simplify things even though I do not live in a simple manner outwardly. My outward life is somewhat complex for a number of reasons that I have accepted as a tool that I am called to use for spiritual reasons. I did not reason my way to where I am; rather, I have found myself mindfully here at a place where it seems the Spirit has placed me. And the Spirit has ministered and comforted me in this place because it is not where I would choose to be if I were left to my own…
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 10th mo. 31, 2015 at 4:05pm — 27 Comments
The 'Holy Spirit' is sometimes referred to in the Bible as the 'Spirit of Truth'. It is apparent from biblical accounts that while on Earth some two thousand years ago, Jesus embraced a mission of bringing true reality to humankind.
Knowing he would not live forever in this world, he told all who might also embrace his mission,
“I will ask the Father to send you another Helper, the Spirit of truth, who will remain…
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 10th mo. 15, 2015 at 5:49pm — No Comments
My meeting is small - perhaps an average of just 12 to 25 Friends at worship each Sunday. Yet we sponsor one of the major ministries in our suburban community - in a very public way. Take a look at what it's about:
I thought it would be fun and interesting to hear from others about the ministries of your meetings. It might help the rest of us to get ideas of how we can "seek that of God…
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 10th mo. 2, 2015 at 8:13pm — 5 Comments
Note: I originally posted this as a comment to Mike Shell’s stimulating blog, “Seeing Beyond the Projections” (which I recommend you also read). I offer it here as a separate blog to invite comments just on it.
It is unfortunate that many of our Quaker meetings/churches have brought into the meetinghouse the divisiveness that is so prevalent in the world at large. …
ContinueAdded by Howard Brod on 9th mo. 19, 2015 at 8:00am — 101 Comments
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