All Blog Posts (3,133)

Twelve Days Left Till Christmas

So one more enemy leader is dead

killed by a drone

Rejoice! they said

Cacophonous carols assail the ear

and mountains of merchandise

stifle our fear

Isaiah wanders the glitzy streets

searching for signs

of the Prince of Peace

Wearied by Macy’s wonderland

he lies down with plush Leo

and soft Gucci lamb

And Mary, her soul extolling the Lord

looks for fulfillment

of his gracious word

Of haughty… Continue

Added by Barbara Quintiliano on 12th mo. 14, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Gay Bashed in Hartford--A Quaker Message

Today during worship at Hartford Friends Meeting, the story of the Good Samaritan came up and reverberated in subsequent messages. (At Quaker meetings anyone can share a message. We don't have a sermon or a pastor like they do in churches. Most messages are under five minutes) One of the key messages to emerge today was that in order to be a Good Samaritan, one often needs to see the humanity in people or as we say in Quaker circles "that of God… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 12th mo. 13, 2009 at 10:03pm — 1 Comment

Primitive Christianity?

Primitive Christianity Revived Again with the use of ultramodern means of communication :-)

Added by Barbara Quintiliano on 12th mo. 12, 2009 at 8:24am — No Comments

Quaker Queries about Transgender Inclusion in GLb(t) Orgs

One of t the things I like about moving with the Quakers is the quality of questions we ask each other. We have a long history of asking questions that cause of to reflect inwardly and outwardly.

For three decades (more?) queer Quakers have been meeting in North America under a variety of names that have changed as the group has changed and grown. Currently the Friends for Lesbian, Gay,… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 12th mo. 9, 2009 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Christmas Eternal

My heart is sick of being right.

Liars, fellow-cowards, fools caught

between God and Satan, listen!

Isn't it time for

honest yearning?

Haven't we had enough

of being too wise to trust?

I can take disappointment; I cannot

endure another year's prudence.

Roll back the sky, shatter

my face with a terror of angels

but make me yours, God!

Another stillborn Christmas

and another, and another?

Wake us! I've seen… Continue

Added by Forrest Curo on 12th mo. 5, 2009 at 5:54am — 1 Comment

Friends That Thirst

Many people of faith speak about dry or dark times. Even Mother Theresa was found to refer to what was called the "dark night of the soul." I often wonder about these times as Friends where there seems no vocal ministry to be found, no leadings and difficulty discerning abounds. They are the times where we find ourselves waiting and hoping to hear any voice from God.

About three years ago or so now, I found myself desperately seeking any potential sparks of light. I’ve come to… Continue

Added by Jan Lyn Lewis on 11th mo. 30, 2009 at 4:44pm — 3 Comments

Have a Proactive and Enduring Day of Thanksgiving.

To Friends, every day is a day of worship and a day of thanksgiving. Once a year we, Americans, come together as a country and try to see some way to be thankful for our state of life. Not everyone in this country sees this the same way. Some can relate to a universal ultimate, some find their own state of consciousness about as fleetingly ultimate as they can imagine. We all try to express our gratefulness, if not to a spiritual personage, at least to one another. Then there is the rest of the… Continue

Added by C. Morningbear Cullimore Mercer on 11th mo. 26, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Continuing Revelation - will it ever be perfectly complete? If you would like a free glance into my head, this is what's on MY mind and heart today ...

I just finished reading a post on "Is God a Recovering Practitioner of Violence" ( and the many passionate responses, some very angry and judgmental.

While I am quite a newcomer to Quakerism, I began pondering this Light Within me, and how my own personal concept of God has grown and continues… Continue

Added by James Coop on 11th mo. 24, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Create a public work of art to highlight the right of women not

to be subject to domestic violence. Like Antony Gormley's work

the 'Angel of the North',which has fostered Northern pride,

this could be a reference point to highlight the plight of

women subject to hidden abuse.

When women come accross the statue or a reference to it they will

be reminded that there is a way out of their situation. Currently the

average woman experiences 35 attacksbefore she… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 11th mo. 22, 2009 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Response to some explanations about Quakers, speaking during worship, and leadership

On another site, a Friend has posted a thoughtful and seemingly thorough response to an inquiry from someone asking about orthodoxy, the Bible, and leadership among Quakers especially as it relates to worship and spoken ministry.

I wanted to gently point out that what has been written applies to a segment of the unprogrammed Quaker world (in which waiting, or silent worship is practiced), but not to all of it.

As it turns out, I was unable to successfully post a comment at… Continue

Added by Raye on 11th mo. 18, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

on being a fourth plinther...

The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square,

Was always an iconic Meeting place.

It has now become a famously empty space.

Where once, for one hundred days

2,400 people enacted thousands of one- hour plays.

When merely sitting brooding in a chair,

Revealed an unacknowledged truth about our national mood,

Identified with the lonely figure, set up there,

Staring down into the thronging square.

Some danced in spangles, or made themselves… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 11th mo. 16, 2009 at 12:31pm — No Comments

still waiting after twenty-one months, for the truth to emerge...

The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square

Is now, as ever, the centre of somewhere...

But as well as being the iconic meeting place

It has now become a famously empty space.

Where once, for one hundred days

2,400 people enacted thousands of one- hour plays.

When merely sitting brooding in a chair,

Became a kind of truth to share,

With the lonely figure, set up there,

Staring down into the thronging… Continue

Added by Rosemary Rimmer-Clay on 11th mo. 14, 2009 at 8:14am — No Comments


On entering this site I noticed the word 'officially' used about gossip. Who are these 'officials'? Are we all not equals or do some like officialdom to hold sway? All we have are equals who are the servants of Meeting. If they take themselves to be official should they consider themselves not appropriate to that role?

Added by Peter Lawless on 11th mo. 9, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

To all who love

let them love.
To those who can't fully understand let them wait until the light shines through.
In Life

Added by Peter Lawless on 11th mo. 3, 2009 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Jesus Loves You! Not to be used as a flotation device

In an on-going series of Jesus Loves You Twitter/Facebook status updates, I thought it was time to compile the most recent offerings. I average about five of these per week, and get plenty of suggestions from folks. In this most current batch I drew on hymns and praise songs for some of my inspiration. You will also find me playing with various warnings and disclaimers and hear… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 11th mo. 3, 2009 at 2:03am — 3 Comments

I have voted NO on Maine's Question One

I have voted NO on Maine's Question One. Here's why:

* This question is fundamentally about equality;

* All tax paying, law abiding citizens should have the full, unadulterated benefits of citizenship;

* All citizens should be able to direct and receive inheritance, decide who visits in the hospital, and how their end of life transacts;

* No citizen should be forced to take on considerable financial expense to obtain legal contracts that, essentially, finesse the… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Sprague on 11th mo. 2, 2009 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Practice of Faith

Marcus Borg speaks of faith coming from three attitudes: fear, acceptance and dynamics. From what I understand fear says your faith outlook is rather paranoid that everything is bad until it is magically fixed by God, but you still spend most of your life looking over your shoulder and preparing for the worst. Acceptance is the "Que sera, sera" attitude, "what will be, will be." Like God created the universe and left, for the most part. This idea came out of the Newtonian physics idea of a… Continue

Added by C. Morningbear Cullimore Mercer on 11th mo. 1, 2009 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Get an English historian of the period... look at the opening paragraph of Quakerism 101 and not explode at the poor quality of the understanding shown. By analogy the mid 17th century was nothing like the 60's in America but if that's where you are coming from it's easy to understand where confusion lies.

Added by Peter Lawless on 11th mo. 1, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Of one accord?

I must begin by saying I have never blogged. I really didn't feel that I had anything that important to contribute. But , like many things lately in my life it's turning the other way. I find it hard to put into words the journey I have been on over the past month and a half. But, I will try because I feel God is leading me in this endeavor....

I began having some amazing dreams about a month ago. Dreams that at first made no sense whatsoever. Let me preface this by sharing that I had been… Continue

Added by thomas maxwell on 10th mo. 25, 2009 at 10:05pm — 3 Comments

Am I as flippant as I seem?

Many times I hold back from writing because sometimes I am inspired by what may seem to be a joke or something similar. I often delete - hard to believe I know - because my tone may be taking away from others but I do feel that while many a true word may be spoken in jests many jests may be spoken in true words.

I do not wish to offend but sometimes - like Lear's Fool- is truth often spoken in apparent foolishness. Most of the Friends I know are not dour but that is how we may come across… Continue

Added by Peter Lawless on 10th mo. 23, 2009 at 2:34pm — No Comments

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