Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Although US president Barack Obama is not a direct descendant of the Anglo-American slave trade, his abolitionist stance versus nuclear weapons is consistent with abolitionist values championed by a few Quakers in Underground Railroad times.
You may be thinking "a few Quakers" is an understatement given Friends had disowned all slave-owning by around the early 1800s, pre Civil War. Good point, however the US Government took the position that slavery was legal at the time, and indeed…
ContinueAdded by Kirby Urner on 5th mo. 27, 2016 at 11:30am — No Comments
Chapter 25 of Minding the Light: Our Collective Journal is now available online and attached as a PDF file, below. For this chapter, we invited Friends to respond to the query, "When has the Light urged you to speak out or stand up for something?" In response, we received six stories, one from a 9-year old Friend.
What stories rise for you as you sit this query? We invite you to read these stories and consider sharing your response on QuakerQuaker, either as a…
ContinueAdded by Sally Gillette on 5th mo. 26, 2016 at 11:00pm — No Comments
I have been actively absent from the blogosphere for some time now. Back in the ancient of days I had a quite sustained blog presence. I have from time to time returned to blogging but each time I have faltered and left again.
I think a big part of this is my awareness of how very public the space is with a very narrow audience. Blogs take a while to take off and most do not cultivate a massive following. Meanwhile what you say and do here is publicly accessible. My attempts to do a…
ContinueAdded by David McKay on 5th mo. 21, 2016 at 9:00am — No Comments
Quaker Universalist Fellowship has just posted Winston Davis’ extended article, “Religion, In a Nutshell,” on its Publications page.
The following blog post offers some excerpts from the new work and invites Friends to…
ContinueAdded by Mike Shell on 5th mo. 16, 2016 at 4:30pm — No Comments
I'm asking an open-ended query, accepting in advance that some Friends may have made up their minds on this question (see title), whereas many more will have never posed such a query to themselves.
We might as well give it some time to season, invite feedback.
As Clerk of IT Committee for NPYM, it's a part of my designated role to invite open forum on such questions, debate if you will, worship-sharing, worship-discussion.
For more context: …
Added by Kirby Urner on 5th mo. 14, 2016 at 6:30pm — 5 Comments
The circumstances of my life at this moment is that I spend a much time in the natural world and with many people. In these meetings and greetings with individuals and the various forms in the natural world, there is an ever-present and abiding grace. There was a time when the visible things of the natural world…
Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 7, 2016 at 12:50pm — 3 Comments
As almost any four-year-old child could tell you, if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a great big box, you’ll need to cut holes in it before you can make it into a house. Or as “the old man” (Lao Tsu) said, “Profit comes from what is there; usefulness from what is not…
Added by Mary Colleen Klein on 5th mo. 1, 2016 at 1:00am — No Comments
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