4th mo. 2011 Blog Posts (34)

Preparing for Meeting for Worship

Come prepared for Meeting for Worship.


This is the advise that we are given. Great. But what does it mean?


Slowly, I am coming to learn more of what it means for me to do that. There are certain things I know it means - making sure my body and clothes are clean, that I've had breakfast. It's important that I have walked or biked- some kind of stretching my body, and getting in touch with my physical self, as it is through my physical self that I hear and feel…


Added by Sara Wolcott on 4th mo. 30, 2011 at 5:45am — 1 Comment

Genesis 4 - Cain and Abel

Moving on - the consequences of "the fall" are inescapable when we look at the history of "civilized" man. The story of Cain and Abel reveals to us the broader consequences of man's fall as they extend beyond the lives of the perpetrators into the lives of their children (all of us). Cain and Abel represent two ancient modes of life - the shepherd's and the farmer's. Both are already in the practice of relating to God through the giving of gifts, offerings or sacrifices. Why this mode of…


Added by Irene Lape on 4th mo. 28, 2011 at 8:25am — 6 Comments

FGC Workshop on How Quakers got where we are


Look at my description.  I hope to work in all branchs of Quakerism and some of the modern groups.  The more divese the group the better the workshop.

Added by Bill Smith on 4th mo. 27, 2011 at 1:06pm — No Comments

The Light of Christ: an Integrated Christology Embedded in Quaker Roots

Maurice Creasy, a 20th century Quaker theologian, discusses the original Christological understanding of founding Friends as being able to hold the “particular and the universal, the historical and the mystical emphasis” of Jesus together in unity. The salvific significance and power of Jesus…


Added by H. Wayne Williams on 4th mo. 26, 2011 at 9:43am — 7 Comments

How I met Glen--OR why I am forever indebted to FGC

Since finally coming out gay in my early 30′s (after 17 years of self-imposed therapies to de-gay myself) I was never that keen on finding a partner. Sure I dated, and I met some great guys, but first off I knew I had a ton of gunk to work through. One cannot go to war against one’s sexuality and personality the way I did without needing serious recovery. The Ex-Gay Movement with all the faulty oppressive teaching  “ministers” and… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 4th mo. 25, 2011 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Is your God?

I was working in my office just a usual one day about two years ago.  And God suddenly spoke this question to me . . . in his teaching mode.  "Is your view of God as a winner or as a looser?"    


I replied . . . "run that idea past me one more time I never thought about it that way."  


His reply was "Will there be more people in hell…


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 24, 2011 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Jerusalem Inquirer

Good news . . . Good news . . . the bug eater has lost his head.  That's right folks . . . another heretic has lost his second head.   We all know . . . that anyone . . . that is a  heretic . . . has lost his mind.  


Our investigative reporter has found out that a dancer has tripped up the bug eater.    Is not Karma wonderful.   The guy shoots off his mouth at everyone…


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 24, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

QuakerQuaker This Week: The DIY Disconnect, Podcasts and Likability

DIY Discussion Carnival

Discussion Carnival

We're coming up on our last full week of this month's Discussion Carnival on "The New Do-It-Yourself Organizing." There has been some good featured blog posts but not a lot of discussion here on the QuakerQuaker forum. So let's stop beating around the bush and ask the hard question:…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 4th mo. 22, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

The "Fall" of Man

There are a good many interesting things in the story of the "fall" but the things most interesting to me in the past have been what I mentioned yesterday

1. The nature of the "death" that Adam and Eve suffer as a result of their disobedience?

2. The "fallen" nature of our lives on this earth, and do we continue to live in that fallen world/nature?

3. What Christians and especially early Quakers understood about what you might call God's "Ur-Promise"…


Added by Irene Lape on 4th mo. 21, 2011 at 9:01am — 10 Comments

An Open Letter

April 20, 2011


An Open Letter to Ministry and Oversight, to the Clerk, members and attenders of San Diego Meeting of “The Religious Society of Friends.” And To All Friends, for Consideration


As all things come from God-- Disagreement is a gift, however disagreeable it may seem. Disagreement is an opportunity to…


Added by Forrest Curo on 4th mo. 20, 2011 at 1:09pm — 9 Comments

Genesis 2 and 3

After God rests on the seventh day, we move on to yet another creation story - this one focusing on the creation of man (Adam) and his dwelling place, the garden in Eden. Here man is created separately and placed at the head of the earthly creation and given the job of caring for it.  There are all kinds of trees, but in the middle of the garden are the tree of life, from which Adam may eat, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - from that tree Adam is told he may not eat, "for on…


Added by Irene Lape on 4th mo. 20, 2011 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Quakers--Not Violent; Just Passive Aggressive

What a terrible generalization that would work so well on a bumper sticker. "Quakers. Not violent. Just passive aggressive." When I speak among Friends in Quaker venues or among folks who know little about the Religious Society of Friends, this joke (I'm a Quaker, I do not get violent--just passive aggressive) always gets a laugh.

With comic performances we comics most consistently employ two types of jokes.

1. The absurd "What if..."…


Added by Peterson Toscano on 4th mo. 19, 2011 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments


You are my fair one!

You are my beloved.  I have created you, loved you, been faithful to you, always-and will continue to be.

There is no place you have been that I was not with you and no place you will go that I will not go before you.

You are anointed with the most precious of oils.  Your birthright is salvation.  Your destiny is to be my cosmic lover.

Worship me with love and faithfulness.  Wait patiently with me, as I have waited patiently with you.  Listen,…


Added by Robb Yurisko on 4th mo. 19, 2011 at 9:09am — No Comments

Ministry - already there?

 I post here a small piece of ministry I gave this past Sunday - in part because I want to honour the rich community of friends that lead to whatever ministry I give, both in and out of Meeting for Worship.

This one is meaningful to me in part because here in the UK, singing is very unusual. I regularly sing in meeting for worship, and consider it to be both a terrifying and liberating act that I am priveledged to get to do. Friends here have loved my singing (quite common in my…


Added by Sara Wolcott on 4th mo. 19, 2011 at 4:40am — No Comments

Henry Kissinger Had a Boob Job! (Some friendly satire)

Actually I do not know if Henry Kissinger in fact did have a boob job. It's more of an unconfirmed rumor. But it is possible that Henry Kissinger had his boobs done--most likely breast reduction and possibly pec implants.

I guess it is inappropriate to write about the body modifications of a former secretary of state or to speculate about his breasts. Political figures… Continue

Added by Peterson Toscano on 4th mo. 18, 2011 at 9:12pm — No Comments

Kevin Camp The Inner George Fox or the God in Everyone


I have wrestled and gone a full twelve rounds with my own angel in writing this.  How does one express indignation, hopefully of a righteous quality, in a fully Quakerly sense?  Am I making too much of this?  Am I making not enough of it?  Will my words wound, rather than correct?  Discerning that, yes, this needs to be said, I have proceeded.  But seeking to…


Added by Kevin Camp on 4th mo. 17, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Lions and Racists and Queers--Oh My! Review of the Jack Bank part 4

This is my final installment of my four part review (with excerpts) of Glen Retief’s The Jack Bank, A Memoir of a South African Childhood.

Part One: A Child Takes on his World

Part Two:…


Added by Peterson Toscano on 4th mo. 17, 2011 at 6:38pm — No Comments

Jerusalem Ranter

It seems a new kid has taken the place of the Bug eater since the arrest.  Our sources tell us  most of the bug eaters students have been seen with the new kid.  


And every time the new kid shows up at synagogue he always starts some kind of ruckus.   He almost alway breaks the laws of Moses during synagogue.  Imagine a man healing on the sabbath . . . how horrible.  We've heard that he will not allow anyone to elder…


Added by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 17, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Cruising for Jesus

Sunbury, PA (photo credit John Schwenkler)

As the wind began to whip the still tightly closed tree buds and newly blossomed dandelions, my friend Quintin and I walked up Market Street in the idyllic (and rough around the edges) Pennsylvania farming town of Sunbury where we both…


Added by Peterson Toscano on 4th mo. 16, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

QuakerQuaker This Week: DIY Tech, Quaker Buses and Punk Economics

For the last few weeks we've been experimenting with sending automatic weekly updates via Mailchimp. I haven't found it as useful or personal as I'd like, so I'm switching back to manual postings.


Discussion Carnival

Discussion Carnival This month's Discussion Carnival theme is The New DIY Organizing. "DIY" is slang for do-it-yourself and we've been…


Added by QuakerQuaker on 4th mo. 15, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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