Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Hey, Friends!
Does anyone else live far away from any meetings or worship groups? I live in Iceland and I can't find any other Quakers here. Sometimes I feel like starting my own outreach program to 'spread the word', but that seems a bit much for one guy and I don't want to be seen as the village nutcase! ;-) Any advice? Any stories to share?
In Friendship,
Dear David, it must be solitary being a solo Quaker in your area. We attend a Mennonite fellowship due to being Christian Quakers. There is a Quaker Meeting in Barnesville, Ohio that we are members. We used to live in rural Ohio but now reside in Saint Paul, Minnesota. If our family ever travels to the U.K. or Europe perhaps we could stop in Ireland for a few days and say hello. Do you like to show people your geographical area? The same goes for you if you were to ever want to pass through the twin cities of Minnesota. I think it is fine for a Quaker to worship with others who are not Friends with a capital F. What is important is acknowledging God and using your creative imagination to see one another as God sees us. To visualize each morning or day as an adventure with God no matter what the tasks. Well I hope to stop by QuakerQuaker more often. It is a good site but I rarely communicate here and yet this is an amazing tool for reaching other Friends worldwide. There is a Quaker site that I like called Friends of the Light and I have met really loving Quakers from the U.K. on that site. Perhaps you could fellowship occasionally with them since they are so much closer than we are. My story is that I have lived in seven countries and finally stopped moving about ten years ago. But I do prefer other geographical areas over MN. People here are known to be friendly but difficult to know in a genuinely close way. Friendships are far and few between for some reason. There are books and videos about this and a meet up group called Transplants because outsiders get really lonely here and so we have begun to get together with one another. I am busy with raising a teenager and writing a novel so I do not dwell on it... but sometimes think it would be great to live where people are more outgoing and warm and friendly enough to truly be a friend. We have our faith and the Lord is good. My thoughts are with you. Sincerely, Teri
Hi David,
I was looking through my Emails to see if I still had any contact details for the seeker in Iceland. Back then he was 18-19 and for a while active on the Yahoo Group "Quakerism2".
His name is Kári Teloft and was last in Reykjavik, alas I have no contact details for him. He came across Quakers after being in Norway.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, if you haven#t already then you might was to visit the FWCC - EMES website and ask the Outreach Co-ordinator for some support, there might be someone in Norwegian YM that might be able to help.
Blessing and hope it helps.
Am I the only one who believes that spreading the word to other Quakers is unnecessary since we all share the same light of Truth within? You should spread the word to those children of God who are able to, but choose NOT to see the inner light. These are the ones in most need of your time and I'm sure the Great Teacher of Truth, who surrounded himself with sinners, would agree.
'He can deal gently with people who are ignorant and easily deceived, since he himself is subject to weakness." - Hebrews 5:2
"For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."
David, I misread nothing. "Seekers" is an archaic term for souls who were once patiently waiting, seeking a sign from God. If a child of God still is seeking, then their soul is at risk of being lost because that message from God is all around us telling us to be a witness to Truth and to spread Truth to others. Our leaders of this world are condemned because they have been corrupted. To plead ignorance and avoid dealing with this Truth is exactly what Lucifer wants.
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor and Advocate to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives within you… the Counselor, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit of Truth, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you… If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him and will come to him.” - John 14:16-24
David Anthony liked David Anthony'sdiscussion Solitary Friends
"Bully"? Wow, judgmental and sensitive are we today? Do you claim victim a lot when excusing your mistakes after being exposed? I see this a lot these days and you should be ashamed of yourself. I've been nothing BUT bullied on this website by those who know NOTHING about the Quaker faith and it's hypocritical of you to accuse me of this. As far as I can tell, this could all be just more of Ben Stone's Bad Quaker propaganda to spread misinformation, demonize and give Quakers a bad name and reputation.
Hi David! I once accidentally liked my own stuff too, I was embarrassed but what's the big deal? Of course I liked it, that's why I posted it! There is no need to for you to be harassed for liking your post, and all the more of a concern if you are alone in Iceland and trying to reach out and then have a lot of foolishness ensue. Honestly. Puh-leeeeez! This isn't some kind of a contest website anyway. I eventually realized if I accidentally liked my own stuff I could unlike it. . . but really, if I spent my life undoing my errors on the Internet. . . Everybody read The Machine, and nobody get too depressed about the crazy things that happen on this Infernal Machine!!!!
Hi David Anthony. Yes, who hasn't accidentally hit a like button from time to time. Sorry for that, that poster's responses were way over the line, here and in other threads. His references made it clear that he's got a long history of disrupting conversation and I booted him off the site.
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