Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
I found this article that talks about how Quakerism is a satanic cult and an enemy of Jesus Christ. I found it to be pretty funny and thought I would share it.
I think the author equates Quakers to a cult but I don't see him expressly stating it's a Satanic Cult, although the word Satan is in the article. Since we Quakers don't have a creed that can be used by "mainstream" Christianity as a litmus test we are in their opinion a cult. Similar to Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. Many Quakers I know would admit that they aren't Christian so I don't know how that works into the cult definition since it normally refers to groups that represent themselves as Christian but aren't. I guess the only problem I have with being thought of as a cult is that a cult normally has a charismatic leader and we don't. I explain to my "mainstream" christian friends that Quakers were founded by Christians but that it is a very large tent with people of all degrees of belief and that is its strenght in that people don't have to pretend to believe things the truth of which they do not have an experiential knowledge of, nor do people expect them to but only encourage them to seek such truth. As for coming out of Quakerism, I'll do that when God tells me to as He told me to become a Quaker in the first place but I fully understand my bible believing brethren's call to do so. I just disagree because of the very reason I am a Quaker in the first place: I have chosen to live my life dependent on my own personal relationship with God in a place he has put me.
Actuall we Quakers do have a leader his name is Jesus Christ.
from the author's comments below his post:
Why did I say Quakerism is inspired by Satan? Well, most branches of Quakerism are Satanic - see what they believe!
as a conservative friend, i'm accustomed to being labelled as a cult-follower of satan by hard-core TULIP calvinists and by some roman catholics when i describe my relationship with jesus christ.
is this anything new? perhaps i run in different circles, but i have found this to be a not-uncommon reaction to paleo-quakerism from followers of some other varieties of christianity.
It has been a problem with 'Friends/Quakers' from the very beginning.
AKA; Little Spirit
Those who call themselves 'evangelical Quakers' complain when they are referred to as 'cult members'.
Gee, I can't imagine why anyone would complain if someone called them a cult member. Thanks for the giggle!
He's making some glaringly huge assumptions.
For starters, he claims that only the Bible matters in determining whether or not someone is Christian. I am not aware of any "test" within the Bible, apart from "knowing them by their fruits".His arguement is based on the assumption that his literal interpretation is the only way to understand the Bible. *Many* people who consider themselves to be Christian would strongly disagree. Thus, his arguement would be considered invalid by Christians outside his narrow audience.
"are Quakers Christians? If they are not, then Quakerism is a cult and Quakers are cult members". Does he mean that all non-Christians are cultists? It certainly sounds like it. By that definition, many Quakers would fit, but in my understanding the definition of "cult" is much narrower.
I've encountered similar folks many times before. But it never occured to me that one would take the time to condemn Quakers. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though. Thanks for sharing!
Aaron Clark said:
Actuall we Quakers do have a leader his name is Jesus Christ.
It is funny! Seems like it was written by a hyper-Calvinist. One can always tell by their bad mouthing Arminians. :)
I'm curious as to what their definition of a "cult" is.
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