Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Hi Everyone,
I was just getting excited about planning story time for my grandchildren when I realized I hadn't read the "Ruby Bridges" story by Robert Coles to them as yet. (Robert Coles has written a lot of moral development in children.) I then realized how appropriate the Ruby Bridges story is at this time. A brave child is excluded from school, based on the appearance of her body, and she courageously marches into school with Federal Marshalls guarding her! Norman Rockwell immortalized this scene and I am looking forward to telling this story to my grandchildren. And look how it resonates with the story of another excluded human being, in the 21st century at a "Quaker" college no less! I hope others of you might find this a good resource in discussing courage, morality, and cruelty with those of tender age you may be blessed enough to teach!
Hey, it looks like Cherice Bock has cleared up some points on George Fox, and that things aren't exactly as they seemed at first. Looks like there is some balance here to think about. Nevertheless, the Ruby Bridges story is a good foundation for moral/social/spiritual discussion with kids! Thanks Cherice Bock.
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