Do you have a special time set aside?
Is there a certain place you are drawn to more for prayer time?
Is your prayer time described more as meditation?
Do you feel drawn to a specific body position during prayer?
Do you incorporate the bible with prayer?
Does music play any part in your set aside prayer time?

Share with us any specifics which you have found that aid you in a more meaningful prayer life.

Peace to all,

Nanna Kapp

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I usually pray as I wake up. I also try to take at least a few minutes after I sit up. Sometimes, but less of late, I read scripture and or devotional or other religious literature. I like to get surrounded with various books that give some perspective on scripture. One is of the fairly dry and scholarly type, one very metaphysical, one from an evangelical perspective, and one on the cultural background. I get settled into this mode maybe once or twice a week on the living room couch. I guess that's study more than prayer, but they sometimes merge.

I do a fairly structured ACTS format often (stands for adoration/confession/thanksgiving/supplication) which I vary as the spirit leads. This was offered as a way to get started in prayer, not an inflexible formula and I approach it as such. Sometimes my prayer wanders into the more meditative/nonverbal realm. I don't try to incorporate music, but sometimes particular hymns or religious songs occur to me.

In addition to times specifically dedicated to prayer, I do try to incorporate prayer throughout the day. I find this hardest to do while at work, though this is probably where I need it most!
As for position, usually just sitting, sometimes when standing or walking. When sitting, I often find it helpful to sit with back straight, unsupported, though I am an inveterate sloucher.
I pray when I awaken, and usually after bathing. Something about going before God clean has always been in the back of my mind. I generally read something devotional, right now it's Streams in the Desert, A Devoted Christian's Prayerbook, and always A Guide to True Peace. I pray after reading them, and then I read the Bible. After that, I meditate on what I've read, and try to place myself in the shoes of the writers, and see how it will affect my day. As a restaurant manager, I'm very busy and have little time to do much else, so I also pray as I go, so to speak, through my day, little shots to God, as I can. As far as position goes, usually sitting, or kneeling, sometimes even while driving (not while I am, I don't normally drive, my wife does it for me). As far as music, I never have it on, I reall don't listen to music anytime, and I find my concentration is effected by it if I do.
Peace and Blessings to all.

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