Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Can anyone tell me if this is also in the USA? All I can find on google is in the UK, and I am very interested in learning more about this. Also, how are new groups formed on this site? Could there be a group for EwL? Thanks, peace be upon you.
Check with Marcelle Martin. She has done some presentations on the subject. She's been to our Manhasset meeting and was well received. Our quarter recently incorporated it into our quarterly meeting and those who participated felt it was worthwhile. We will probably try to incorporate it into our program in the coming year.
Thank you!
Rex Ambler is from Britain, and he's the one who originated the program, as I understand it. I have heard that many Friends in America have studied the program as well. Our own worship group is about to study it as part of our Spiritual Formation program. You can purchase Ambler's book, "Light to Live By," through QuakerBooks of FGC.
I am pretty familiar with this practice. I started doing it on my own 6 or 7 years ago. More recently, I co-facilitated a small group in my meeting for a year on it and was a resource person for a multi-meeting gathering whose program was focused on this topic. I would be willing to answer any questions that you have.
I know so little about it that I don't even know what questions to ask. I just know that I have been interested in contemplative prayer for years but have never been able to make it a practice of mine. I guess reading one of Rex's book would be a good start.
Update: Yesterday my husband and I used one of the guided meditations on the Experiment with Light website. It was a wonderful experience. I was surprised (being a complete beginner to the whole experience of contemplative prayer ) how fast the time went. I have only been to a M4W once, so I really have just about no experience of all of this, and found this to be a very good guide. We will be doing this again, and I would love to get some of the people in my cell group interested in this.
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it! It seems like you're a natural.
Patrice Wassmann said:
Update: Yesterday my husband and I used one of the guided meditations on the Experiment with Light website. It was a wonderful experience. I was surprised (being a complete beginner to the whole experience of contemplative prayer ) how fast the time went. I have only been to a M4W once, so I really have just about no experience of all of this, and found this to be a very good guide. We will be doing this again, and I would love to get some of the people in my cell group interested in this.
I'll be attending a taster day on this soon and will let you know how it goes.
I took the Light workshop at Manhassett meeting that Marcelle Martin facilitated and found it surprisingly helpful. I also read several of Rex Ambler's books. At the workshop, Marcelle played an audio tape of Rex talking about his work which was also very illuminating - perhaps she could make that available somehow or direct you to where you could access it.
It's going to be awhile before I can get any of the books by Rex Ambler, they are all out of print and somewhat expensive.
Connie Bair-Thompson said:
I took the Light workshop at Manhassett meeting that Marcelle Martin facilitated and found it surprisingly helpful. I also read several of Rex Ambler's books. At the workshop, Marcelle played an audio tape of Rex talking about his work which was also very illuminating - perhaps she could make that available somehow or direct you to where you could access it.
Patrice, I don't know where you are looking, but his books are in print and available at the FGC bookstore. Just yesterday I received a shipment of 5 copies of his Light to Live By. Go to to see all the available titles. The most recent book was published just last year.
Oh, and Connie mentioned the audio tape. That may be harder to find. Jerimy at Quakerbooks said that the tape had some sort of glitch in it and that it is currently unavailable to them.
oh thanks Paula, I didn't check there, I was looking on Amazon and Alibris.
Paula Deming said:
Patrice, I don't know where you are looking, but his books are in print and available at the FGC bookstore. Just yesterday I received a shipment of 5 copies of his Light to Live By. Go to to see all the available titles. The most recent book was published just last year.
Oh, and Connie mentioned the audio tape. That may be harder to find. Jerimy at Quakerbooks said that the tape had some sort of glitch in it and that it is currently unavailable to them.
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