I have felt so sad as I have listened and watched the way this 2012 election is proceeding. I sm saddened by the negative advertising rather than each candidtate sharing their own positive ideas. I am saddened byt the very brief time candidates are given to answer important questions in debates. I am saddened by the exesseive money that is spent on advertising and how much is spent by each candidtate to run. It is almost like the presidency is bought. I think of the Quaker testimonies of truthfulness, simplicity, equality and nonvilence and wish they guided the election process. If they did, perhaps a wise and humble person could win. Kathy Summers

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Forrgive my typos. I will try again.:

I have felt so sad as I have listened and watched the way this 2012 election is proceeding. I sm saddened by the negative advertising rather than each candidtate sharing their own positive ideas. I am saddened by the very brief time candidates are given to answer important questions in debates. I am saddened by the excessive money that is spent on advertising and how much is spent by each candidtate to run. It is almost like the presidency is bought. I think of the Quaker testimonies of truthfulness, simplicity, equality and nonviolence and wish they guided the election process. If they did, perhaps a wise and humble person could win. Kathy Summers

Kathy’s sadness at the political process is understandable.  My own response has only rarely been sadness about the process. It has occasionally been disgust, when I forget myself.  Sometimes I feel rage when I am un-centered.  Ambivalence is more common.  I have come to a point in my life and maturity of faith that I am mostly concerned that these issues distract us from the One Truth. 


Whoever is President of The United States will be Commander in Chief, the hand that holds the sword.  Regardless of what faith he or she claims, regardless of how enlightened these leaders may seem, no matter how much we support their intentions and goals, no matter how much good they may do from that high office, all presidents kill people and are prepared to kill masses of people. They are of this world by their own choice.  Any hope that Divine Love is guiding their hands in that office is a dangerous illusion.  It is an illusion that they and many faith communities perpetuate.  That makes me sad.


We have been called to love one another, brother and enemy alike.  We are called to love those who do evil or good, to love the hungry and overfed.  We are called to live lives that “speak” and model this imperative of Divine Love. That is enough for me.  Pray for me, for all of us. 

Don Badgley

I may change my mind about this, but I likely will not vote for President this year.

If I don't support war or militarism in any form, then I question why I am voting for the man who will be the "commander-in-chief" of a system I don't believe in.


I have no doubt that political positions are bought. Just look at how much is spent on advertising, SuperPACs, etc!

I've given to a third party candidate whose platform includes non-violence and a push for equality. I know it won't be enough, but I like to hope that with enough people doing similarly the playing field could be a bit less tilted.

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