Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
As a family of three, we are cat enthusiasts. We've found it difficult to find others who have house cats.
Maybe some of you are also cat lovers? If so, we would be glad for any comments.
After all, they are some of God's delightful little creatures.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Love cats! Have loved them all my life. Our last cat was with us about 15 years and he was a few years old when we adopted him from the shelter. Always slept with us. We travel a lot now and are reluctant to have pets that we would have to put in a kennel for extended times, but maybe we could be weekend cat sitters when we are home.
It is always nice and refreshing to hear from other cat enthusiasts! It is difficult to find many people that have this in common. In our area there are only two that we know of whom I occasionally call for advice or encouragement. My husband and I try to help the strays that come here, but there are more strays now than we know what to do with. We want to help them, be kind to them, and not see them mistreated; but it is difficult to know what to do since the area humane societies are overwhelmed with them now. They are even offering altered cats/kittens for free, yet no one is interested in them. The purebred are the prime targets now.
The hardest thing for us to decide, is whether putting them down is more kind than having someone potentially mistreat, neglect, or torture them. We are a bit overwhelmed ourselves right now, tending to the ones we have, and the strays we have found this year. (A black stray had six kittens, and one other neighbour's cat, which we were to keep if we spotted her again so she wouldn't be killed on the road, had five kittens.) We have grown fond of them all.
It is a shame that there aren't more people that care enough for them to give them good homes. There are more cats than people to care for them. It would amount to everyone taking eight cats in to eliminate the stray problems. Even a weekend sitter would prove of some helpfulness to the ones that otherwise may be put down. Thank thee for thy kindness and care for these little creatures. (Black cats are most often abused, which contributes to the problem we face. Also, humane societies will not permit black cats to be adopted during the Tenth Month, due to the evil halloween pranks and other cruelty.)
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