One In Christ Meeting for Worship

Event Details

One In Christ Meeting for Worship

Time: 10th mo. 7, 2009 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Friends Seminary
Street: 222 East 16th Street
City/Town: New York, New York 10003
Website or Map:…
Event Type: worship, newyork, oneinchrist
Organized By: Brian Doherty of Purchase Meeting, Eliezer Hyman of 15th Street Meeting, Bridget Orozco of Flushing Meeting
Latest Activity: 2nd month 18, 2010

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Event Description

One in Christ
Meeting for Worship

"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word,that they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." John 17:20-21

We invite all those interested in gathering in worship and abiding in the spirit of Jesus Christ to join us for mid-week worship once a month. Our first meeting for worship is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7 at 7 pm in the Library of the Friends Seminary at 222 East 16th Street (between 3rd Avenue and Rutherford Place).

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Comment by Jan Lyn Lewis on 9th mo. 30, 2009 at 9:27pm
Please let QQ know how this goes. It sounds wonderful, but my health prevents me from coming.
Thank you though,
Jan Lyn
Comment by Rich Accetta-Evans on 9th mo. 30, 2009 at 8:33am
I will mention your offer to the actual organizers of this meeting for worship. Assuming it is vital enough to continue, I'm sure they'll be glad to provide you with contact information and the schedule of future meetings. Thanks for your willingness to include us on the Friends Christian Renewal Web Page.
- - Rich
Comment by Rich Accetta-Evans on 9th mo. 30, 2009 at 8:30am
One Friend wrote to ask me what "Friends Seminary" is. I replied as follows:
The name "Friends Seminary" is a bit of an anachronism. It is a very old Quaker-affiliated school that dates back to the time when "seminary" meant simply school and not necessarily a school for training pastors.

It is currently owned by the New York Quarterly Meeting and occupies space adjacent to the 15th Street Monthly Meeting's meetinghouse, with a lot of shared uses (not without tension) between the school and the meeting. The seminary has classes from First grade through 12th grade, charges a very hefty tuition, and has only a very few Quaker students. It does try to encourage racial, ethnic, and economic diversity through scholarships, etc. but is nevertheless regarded - - to the distress of some of us - - as an "elite" private school in Manhattan.

The school generously made space available to us for our meeting, probably by arrangement with the office of New York Quarterly Meeting.

If you like, you can visit the school's website at Fifteenth Street Meeting's website is at

- - Rich
Comment by Bill Samuel on 9th mo. 29, 2009 at 8:25pm
That's way too far for me, but it's good to know this is starting. I would be glad to include it on the Friends Christian Renewal Web page. I would need to know just what you want the listing to say, including contact information.
Comment by Betsy Blake on 9th mo. 29, 2009 at 4:00pm
This looks so amazing. I hope you will continue planning things like this and inviting folks. I hope to be in NY this fall, and would love to visit. x Blessings and love from Greensboro, NC. Let us know (those of us who cannot attend) how it goes!

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