Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
7th mo. 31, 2016 at 6pm to 9th mo. 11, 2016 at 7pm – Google Groups On July 31, the Friends of Jesus Fellowship Reconciliation Group will be starting our Peacemaker book study, using "Peacefakers, Peacebreakers and Peacemakers" and "The Peacemaker" (3rd Edition) by K… Organized by Adria Gulizia | Type: book, study
7th mo. 27, 2016 to 7th mo. 31, 2016 – Yealand Old School This will be a four day residential gathering for Conservative Friends in the UK. Anyone interested in the Conservative Quaker faith will be welcome. The gathering will involve, worship, study and fe… Organized by Allistair Lomax | Type: residential, gathering
7th mo. 7, 2016 at 7pm to 7th mo. 10, 2016 at 12am – Near Casper, Wyoming, U.S.A. Announcing a New Foundation Fellowship (NFF) gathering.Location & Date: near Casper, Wyoming, USA, July 7-10, 2016. Deadline for registration: May 1, 2016.A $50 registration fee is due May 1, 201… Organized by New Foundation Fellowship | Type: conference
7th mo. 7, 2016 at 7pm to 7th mo. 10, 2016 at 12am – Near Casper, Wyoming, U.S.A. Announcing a New Foundation Fellowship (NFF) gathering. Location & Date: near Casper, Wyoming, USA, July 7-10, 2016. Deadline for registration: May 1, 2016. A $50 registration fee is due May 1,… Organized by New Foundation Fellowship | Type: conference
6th mo. 28, 2016 at 4pm to 7th mo. 2, 2016 at 12pm – Olney Friends School, Barnesville, Ohio Are you longing for more quiet opportunities to worship & share with other Friends? Would you enjoy taking part in a radically unprogrammed retreat with Friends from a variety of theological back… Organized by Deborah Haines, for the planning committee | Type: quaker, gathering
6th mo. 16, 2016 at 5pm to 6th mo. 19, 2016 at 1pm – Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre The Friends Association for Higher Education will hold its 2016 conference at member institution Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, U.K., June 16-19. Our theme for 2016 is "Educating for… Organized by Kimberly Haas | Type: conference
6th mo. 11, 2016 from 8am to 2pm – Frederick Friends Meetinghouse Come support Frederick Friends Meeting by shopping at its semi-annual yard sale! We have gently used clothing for children and adults, as well as toys, games, jewelry, electronics, cookware, furnitur… Organized by Isaac Smith | Type: fundraiser
6th mo. 4, 2016 from 10am to 3pm – Adelphi Friends Meeting The Strawberry Festival is a long-standing community event and day of fun for the whole family. Annual traditions include a live-entertainment stage, cafe, grilled-food tent, tie-dye booth, and sale … Organized by Mackenzie | Type: charitable, bazaar, festival
5th mo. 20, 2016 at 6pm to 5th mo. 22, 2016 at 12pm – Powell House How are you being led, right now, and how are you responding to that leading? Are you unsure as to whether you are led, and how to know? It is no small task to distinguish leadings from our thoughts… Organized by Regina Baird Haag | Type: spirituality, conference
5th mo. 13, 2016 at 6pm to 5th mo. 15, 2016 at 12pm – Friend Center Are Quakers simply discrete individual units saying "you do your thing and I do mine and if our paths cross it's beautiful?" Or should our discernment be communal? Friends Center invites you to a wee… Organized by Friends Center Committee, Ohio Yearly Meeting Conservative | Type: retreat, weekend
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