I need a couple Quaker friends. Kathy Summers

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I live in Hawaii. Where do you live?
Dave: Where do you live? There is a smattering of Christian unprogrammed Friends throughout most of the country. And there are ways to connect even if no others live close by.

My wife and I have found fellowship among Mennonites and German Baptists when the local Friends did not prove congenial.
Dave: You could try the Collins Meeting near the Thruway south of you. They are a programmed meeting, but would be sympathetic to your viewpoint, I believe. They may also be able to connect you with other Christian Friends in that area.
You should also make yourself known to Geoff and Luvy Gilmore at Little Falls NY, east of Herkimer. Geoff tries to promote "networking" among Christian Friends.
I attended the Old German Baptist Church for three years when I lived in Indiana. We still have many German Baptist friends, including one in New York State; I haven't been in touch with him for several years, but he probably remembers me fairly well. (If you want to give the GBs a try, email me for Keith's name and telephone number.)

I agree with Joey that one could learn a lot from the German Baptists about how Friends practiced their faith during the "classical period". There are enough similarities in practice and terminology to suggest Quaker influence on the early Brethren in colonial America. Nowadays, one could wish for some influence in the other direction!
My family are conservative Quakers in upstate NY, but also rather isolated; we have meeting once a month at our house, usually with 3 or 4 people. We live in Herkimer, NY and usually travel through Buffalo when we go to Ohio for Quaker meetings, or to Kentucky to visit my parents. We'd love to meet you some time. Geoff and Luvy. (geoffreysgilmore@yahoo.com, if you want to write.)
If you're looking for conservative Friends in Hawaii, I think there are a few on the big island. If you want, I'll check to see where they are now, and try to help you contact them.

This is trivial alongside the search for spiritually compatible fellowship, but I miss Herkimer Cheese, and would like to know if you eat much of it, and if so, whether it's as tasty and nurturing as I remember it being? Strange to say, I first tasted Herkimer Cheese in a funky little butcher shop by the side of the r0ad outside Espanola, New Mexico. How it found its way to him I can't guess. I bought out all he had, and he was never able to get more. Later, when I moved to Upstate New York, I got my hands on more of it. But it's been 30 years now. I'd appreciate any update you can offer.

David Hoffman
Santa Rosa, California
Hawaii unprogrammed friends are part of Pacific Yearly Meeting. I met one great Friend from Hawaii at a PYM gathering. We both attended morning Bible study. I'd like to attend a meeting of Quakers swinging on hammocks between coconut trees on Maui.

David Hoffman
Santa Rosa, California

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