FGC's website reports the following:
"The Executive Committee also considered the possibility of laying down FGC’s long-standing Publications Program in the form in has existed for many years. This proposal was made with an expectation that our evolving web infrastructure should provide important opportunities for FGC to continue its “ministry of the written word” in the future. With the benefit of extended, Spirit-centered consideration of the initial proposal and some new ideas that were lifted up, this matter was referred back to the originating committee. We expect that various options will be considered with all affected staff and committees of FGC in the next couple months, before any specific proposal is brought back to Executive Committee."
According to the FGC site, this occured at a meeting on April 29. Does anyone know the current status of this proposal? I heard it reported today as a decision already made or at least one that is certain to occur. Since the foregoing refers to a decision that will be seasoned over the next few months I wondered if anyone has additional info.