George Fox said there is that of God in everyone. I am saddened sometimes at how little respect there is often when people have different views of God. God is this. God is that . This is the only true God and way. These beliefs bring divisions. People even disagree with those who say everyone belongs to God and is loved by God. Why is it this way? We are each so different. No two are alike.We  have different tastes in music, art, literature and play. We live in varied cultures. Why is there not more harmony as we all search to know a God who enlightens us and gives us miracles? Would one common denominator all might agree on is that love is a part of God? Could that love lead us to peace? Kathy Summers

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To actually know God is the only effective way to peace


1) because any peace we find, short of that, is temporary.


2) because this puts an end to arguments about different views. There exists one and only one God, who can be asked to settle any such question!


3) because the better anyone actually knows God, the less he needs to fear, and the less reason he has to cling to anyone's hearsay about God.


No statement about God-- including "Love is a part of God"-- is a substitute for actually knowing the reality. God is, truly, a loving reality-- but that is something to be intuited and observed, not just asserted!

You said there exists one and only one God-many say they know that on earth and know they are right. Yet what they know is different. Why do you think God cares if we know God in different ways?

You are confusing "knowing God in different ways" with "being certain about different things about God."


I know more about my neighbor down the hall than you do; it would be silly for you and me to get into an argument about facts & mistatements about my neighbor. It would be sillier for other people as far away to argue about her themselves, or to insist: not only that she doesn't exist, but that I must be in some way self-deceived to think that I know her, or anything whatsoever about her!


If she were near you (as God is) then I might be able to introduce her to you. One or the other of us might come to know her better; we might disagreed on what she is like-- but that disagreement could be resolved by asking her.


As George Fox might well have put it, God doesn't care what practice leads us to know God-- but practices that don't work are an obstacle to be removed, like the "pharisees" Jesus described as "standing by the door to the Kingdom, neither going in themselves nor letting anyone else in."


God does care that we actually know actual God, much as any doctor would want sick people to know where to find his office. A doctor might well have more than one office-- but the undertaker's next door just won't do!

Forrest, I honor your beliefs and have no  desire to change them and think Victoria said in her blog,  "Will the Real Christian Stand Up." what I was trying to say far better than I did. Peace to you. Kathy

I do not "honor" anybody's scientific beliefs, nor try to change them, but to recognize that there are ways to test such beliefs for truth or falsity.


The ways of testing religions truth are different. But to honor truth, that is to test and see what happens.

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