There's been some interest about this podcast over on Facebook, so we're posting it here.

Fire in the Storm: Jesus as Lover, Healer, and Persistent Invitation

Christopher Sammond was raised Episcopalian but left the church at 14. After much seeking, including years as a practicing Zen Buddhist, he came to Friends as a Christophobic “Universalist.” A series of encounters with Jesus over many years have gradually made him a Christ–centered Friend. He graduated from United Theological Seminary in 2001 and carries a concern for faithfulness. He lives with his wife, Barbara, in the Central Finger Lakes Region of New York and serves New York Yearly Meeting as its General Secretary.

This is a talk Christopher gave for the Pendle Hill Fall 2009 Lecture Series, "Who Do You Say That I Am?" that ran Tuesday evenings from October 13 through December 8. Most of the talks can be listened to from the site (you can also subscribe to their podcasts on iTunes!).

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thanks!!  I'm looking for Quaker-related podcasts.  I spend a lot of time listening to audio recordings on an mp3 player, very little time on the internet...

My husband and I listened to this one night by candlelight. It was wonderful.

I had the pleasure of meeting Christopher in Kenya last year, intact I was in his "Thread group: Living out the Kingdom while living in the Empire".

I can relate to his story, in many ways it mirrors mine (soulless Anglican church, alcoholics in family, universalist - Christophobic and the switch to a living God, christ-centred Friend), now after listening to this podcast I understand why I instantly liked Christopher.

I'm done with the out-of-control confusion(that always begins with "Perhaps") perpetuated by Quakerism's "Fire in the Storm". Excuse the expression, but we need "Fire in the Hole" as offered by Lewis Benson in "Catholic Quakerism".

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