I have noticed that some Friends get caught up (or is it ‘entangled”?) in cerebrating (thinking and reasoning) about God and other spiritual matters. What one can and cannot accept or believe becomes the focal point of their spirituality. I find this intellectualizing about religious matters quite tedious, and I see it as a poor launching pad for one’s spiritual journey!

When I approach the Throne of Grace, I don’t ask myself lots of questions about God’s character, His “ways and means,” or other related issues. If I wonder about God, I turn to the Bible, and sometimes to the great “cloud of witnesses,” including believing Friends, for answers to my questions. Does this solve all the puzzles Christian faith presents? No, not by any means! But then, I recognize that the finite human mind will never fathom the depths of the mysterium tremendum.

“…he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6. I don’t need solutions to all of life’s intellectual puzzles. I need a relationship with God and His son, and to commune with the Holy One! And this is where prayer, Bible study and the meeting for worship enter the picture!

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"I have noticed that some Friends get caught up (or is it ‘entangled”?) in cerebrating (thinking and reasoning) about God and other spiritual matters. What one can and cannot accept or believe becomes the focal point of their spirituality. I find this intellectualizing about religious matters quite tedious, and I see it as a poor launching pad for one’s spiritual journey!"

The slang term for this kind of spiritual seeking is called the "head trip!"

In my youth as a new Christian I decided I would look at a book written by an atheist to try and disprove what he was saying. It turned out to be a mistake and a battle in my mind took place. For a month. I concluded the only way to stop this trouble was to accept God at his word in the Bible. I had great peace after this decision and experienced the Lord closer to me.

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