I Need help with research for the Weed lecture I am giving in Boston  next month.


I want to compile a list of Churches, meetings and worship groups that combine different styles or worship, leadership styles, major themes in Quakerism. For starters I will define and categorize the following mixes.


Please use the comments to  name the meeting or church, YM or other association, and which category/s they exhibit. If I need entire new categories please suggest them.


A  -  Primarily semi-programmed: worship has structure and may include group singing, vocal prayer, and scripture reading, but has no prepared preaching, and at least 30 minutes of open/listening or waiting worship.

      The Underground Connection, Fountain City, Ind, IYM

      West Newton Friends, Indianapolis, Ind, WYM

       Minneapolis Friends Meeting


B - Church or meeting has more than one worship service every week with a mix of programmed, semi-programmed or unprogrammed styles.

       Newberg Friends Church, Newberg, OR, NWYM multp. P,U, SP

       University Friends Meeting, Wichita, KS, P,SP, U Great Plains/Mid America  


C - Is Christ-centered, Does business in the Quaker fashion, and is LGBT inclusive.

        Capitol Hill Friends, Washington DC, Unaffiliated

         New City Friends, Detroit, Michigan, Unaffiliated

         Old Town Friends, Baltimore, Maryland, Unaffiliated

         Friends in Fellowship Worship Group, Plough Share Farm,Ind

         Freedom Friends Church, Salem Or, unaffiliated

         West Richmond Friends Church, Richmond Ind, IYM

         West Hills Friends Church, Portland Or, NWYM


D - Has a pastor who does not usually bring prepared messages

         The Underground Connection, Fountain City, Ind


E - A Church, meeting or Worship Group that is intentionally unaffiliated.

        Capitol Hill Friends, Washington DC, Unaffiliated

         New City Friends, Detroit, Michigan, Unaffiliated

         Old Town Friends, Baltimore, Maryland, Unaffiliated

         Freedom Friends Church, Salem Or, unaffiliated


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B - Minneapolis Meeting has an early MfW on First Day that is unprogrammed. I been there!

E - Laughing Waters Friends Worship Group, in Minneapolis. One of two places where I worship. We have laid down our ad hoc affiliation committee after more than a year of discernment. We simply don't have unity to affiliate with a Conservative YM or a Liberal one.

Worth a mention - Laughing Waters references Scripture fairly regularly, is LGBTQ inclusive, and conducts business in the manner of Friends every other month. Some perceive us to be Christ-centered, and that is certainly welcome and addressed, though I would say we are God/Spirit-centered, not exclusively Christ-centered.

Question - any interest in meetings that still answer queries monthly?

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up
I was under the impression that semi-programmed could (potentially) have prepared messages but also included longer time-periods of open worship? That it sits somewhere in the middle of the other two options?

Our monthly meetings are not all alike but North Carolina Yearly Meeting conservative for the most part fits C. 

Thanks Friends - keep it coming. I am only updating the list that is on my profile page on FB, as I have this question out on many sources and it is getting complex. But very interesting.


Wess, You are right that my def for semi-programmed is restrictive, but this is because I believe that semi-programmed with brief prepared messages is so well-received that my list would be hundred of meetings long. I am looking for the outliers here.

That makes sense.

I would like to make a correction. I attend Old Town Friends Fellowship. We are actively seeking affiliation with both Baltimore Yearly Meeting and North Carolina Yearly Meeting-Conservative. We see ourselves as convergent, Christ-centered, and LGBT inclusive (that is very important to our group). We do fit into catagory C. I look forward to hearing more about this.

Thanks Suzanna - I will make that correction.

So - Another category

 Please name EFI churches that have turned their benches, or forsaken benches, to adopt a circle or four square traditional Quaker seating arrangement (or anything close) intentionally to de-emphasize the pulpit and make physical the Quaker testimony of equality.

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