Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
I delivered the following message at Richmond First Friends on May 28, 2017. This post originally appeared…
Blog I Deny Being a Quaker 1 LikeWhen the measure of presence or illumination of the inshining Light is so strong and bright that identity, meaning, and purpose, is complete in the Light ( or inherent self-existence) itself…
Blog Do not Borrow or Steal in the face of ridicule, innuendo, and characterization. 1 Like Contending over the Shell and not the KernelIn William Roger's preface to his historical documentation (Written in 1680) of the disunity that arose within the gathering of the Children of Light (Quaker) over the establishment of outward…
Blog Contending over the Shell and not the Kernel 1 LikeThis title may seem a misnomer in the rear view mirror, but is meant with a touch of humor, given its abstract feel, and my application: the mundane affairs of keeping our Meetings'…
Blog Group Theory 1 LikeI originally wrote this post as an open letter to my Meeting,…
Blog Thanksgiving Cheer 2 Likes Veterans DayAs a pacifist, I don’t know what to do about Veterans Day. On this year’s November 11, I drove down the main street of a town that is home to a naval air station. Five days earlier I’d travelled…
Blog Veterans Day 2 LikesEvery morning before I unroll my yoga mat, I have to resist the urge to go online to check the headlines in the New York Times. I catch myself creeping toward the email in- box before…
Blog Pacifism, Not Passivism 1 Like"Do not suppose…
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