John George Archer's Comments

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At 7:25pm on 5th mo. 13, 2022, Theodore Schmidkonz said…

At 9:08pm on 1st mo. 17, 2013, Hilda said…

Hello John George!

Thank you for accepting my invitation. I am happy to have you for a friend!

Timothy has been very patient and helpful in showing me about this site and getting me started!

My interests include fiction reading and writing poetry and fiction.

Do you like to read fiction? I also love cats and enjoy playing hymns and classical music on the piano. 

I anticipate hearing from you as time permits.

Blessings to thee!


At 8:24am on 9th mo. 15, 2012, Timothy said…

Hope all is well with thee. I hope all is well with thee. Keep on pressing onward. . . Keep thy faith and heart with all diligence.

Thy humble Friend,


At 2:02pm on 7th mo. 22, 2012, Timothy said…

Thank thee, Friend John, for accepting my invitation for becoming our Friend. . . Even across the miles, from thy dwelling place in Australia to ours in central Virginia.

Thy photos are wunderbaar gut (wonderful good)! I appreciate thy quote from Nock's maxim too. We look forward to being the type of Friend that will speak things of encouragement, edification, and comfort. . . uplifting things.

Thank thee!  Peace and grace from our HERR Gott himmel Vater (LORD God heavenly Father) be thine.


At 11:23am on 6th mo. 11, 2010, Leslie Rodgers said…
You made me smile.
Living in a forest is not the fairy tale I would have imagined, it can be damp, and I seem to be allergic to many of the plants that grow here so spring is 'hard to breathe' time for me. Animals nibble the garden or gobble it depending on the size of the animal, and our road is unpaved, half a mile long and steep (about a 45 degree angle). I was snowed in here for weeks at a time this past winter.
On the bright side, it is peaceful much of the time. There are always birds singing, even at night. Rightnow the deer are raising their sweet babies. In the evening we can sit on the porch and listen to the coyotes howling up on the ridge to the west of us. A family of vultures live on the ridge, too, and like to feast on road kill. We often see wild turkeys (67 at once last fall), pheasants, and occasionally apretty red fox. Because there are no street lights here at night we can see every star in the sky.
The forest is a blend of wonderful and frustrating, amazing and inconvenient.
At 10:55pm on 6th mo. 9, 2010, Paula Roberts said…
Thank thee for the kind welcome, George. I thoroughly enjoy this site. I've learned so much, and found the courage to 'come out' as a Quaker with Plain leanings.
At 11:19am on 6th mo. 9, 2010, Leslie Rodgers said…
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I've been reading your discussion with
Magdelena Jurado. Interesting thoughts.

I'm happy to be here.
At 8:31am on 6th mo. 2, 2010, John George Archer said…

You speak the truth easily. And I would enjoy discussing this with more vigor. Alas, I must fulfill other prior obligations first. But don't worry - check your inbox! I've tried to answer you truthfully, see if I fall short? You help me a great deal in that regard.

Many thanks Friend.
At 9:47am on 5th mo. 31, 2010, John George Archer said…
Here's a flag, done whilst inebriated, that sums up my identity, or not. Maybe not...but there's enough in it to add here:

At 9:28am on 5th mo. 31, 2010, John George Archer said…

Where is this Magdalena? Spain?
At 8:36am on 5th mo. 29, 2010, Elizabeth Bullock-Rest said…
Yes, John, I am alive and well. Please hold me in the Light. Today I am Clerking the Meeting for Remembrance for the father of a Friend. This is my first time to do this; so I pray that the service is meaningful and comforting to all involved.

One of the other major things preoccupying me now are the multiple tasks and decisions involved in starting my private psychotherapy practice July. So I am calling on all the forces of love, peace and will to pull me through these and other important tasks of my life.

Please hold me in the Light. When things settle down, I will jump into these QuakerQuaker discussions which I so dearly love.


I have not forgotten you
At 5:32am on 5th mo. 29, 2010, John George Archer said…
Sorry.I won't be adding anything new. For two or three days.
At 3:54pm on 5th mo. 23, 2010, Mark Davis said…
Hello John,

You are the first person in Australia with whom I've had an online conversation. It's great! Thanks for talking with me.

I don't label myself a Deist, but in looking at my belief system I guess I could easily be categorized as a Deist. My belief system has changed radically over time and I see that as a very good thing. I feel sorry for those who are stuck in their dogmatic religions insisting that their 'holy book' is the written word of God. How silly that now seems to me.

What this world is all about is terribly interesting to me. I think about 'God' a lot and wonder what that really means. When I ponder the enormity of the universe I find it difficult to contemplate a God who is really interested in what goes on here on tiny earth, especially since there are probably millions and millions of other planets with life forms on them.

By the way, I guess I could be considered somewhat of an anarchist too in that Quakers have sometimes been called religious anarchists. How cool!

You seem to be interested in my age. I'm 60, turning 61 in July. The dog I'm seated with in the photo is Habibi. He's a truly handsome one year old German Shepherd Dog. I got to provide foster care for him for a few months in 2008. I was sad when he had to go to his new adoption family.

Peace at you, Friend.
At 11:35pm on 5th mo. 22, 2010, Mark Davis said…
Hi John,

I just discovered this Quaker Quaker community and I'm looking forward to meeting all kinds of Friends from different Quaker traditions. While my Quaker ancestors were of the Orthodox tradition (Chirst-centered) I find the liberal Friends tradition (Hicksite) more to my liking. I love Jesus and find him to be a most wonderful teacher, but I am no longer able to deify him. While he was a great prophet and teacher, he was, alas, very human like you and I. The God I seek is that which is within. So when Friends speak of the Inner Light or Inward Teacher I get it!

Mark in California
At 9:41am on 5th mo. 22, 2010, Mark Davis said…
Thanks for the welcome, John. I really enjoyed your photo album. Peace to you down under, Friend.

At 7:25am on 5th mo. 20, 2010, Elizabeth Bullock-Rest said…
Hi John,

I am absolutely blown away by the quality of your photos and art work. Is this what you do professionally? Thank you for adding the shots. I have not yet learned how to add my pictures on QuakerQuaker (or anywhere on the Internet), hence the turtle. If you want to see a photo of me you will need to go to my Facebook page where our daughter posted a few.

I will definitely check your website and blog because I am intrigued with your definition of yourself as "Quaker Anarchist Anglican--Individual Radical Traditionalist"...especially the "Radical Traditionalist" combination.

If I were to put myself in such a definition, as you have done, I'd say I was a Quaker Pagan Psychologist, Lover-of-People Contemplative Sermon-on-the-Mount Christian. Somehow I would also have to throw in that I am devoted to my family, though their spiritual/religious paths differ from mine.

I think you can thank Martin for this wonderful QuakerQuaker. He has created it in a way that really brings out the best communication amongst Friends. Since we are thinly spread across the globe this site is a blessing to pull us together.

Shalom, Peace, Salaam,

At 12:51pm on 5th mo. 19, 2010, Elizabeth Bullock-Rest said…
Welcome! Glad to have you here. What made you decide to join the conversations at QuakerQuaker?


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