Yes, the "The" is supposed to be capitalized.

A while ago, I heard Jim Henderson talk on This American Life (starting at about 25:30 or so) and I really liked what he had to say about Christianity, specifically how to evangelize, especially the way that many people do a "bait and switch" event. He wants to focus on "making disciples" rather than "converts" and to have the church stop "selling" itself in the traditional capitalist market. He wants people to truly connect to others, to listen deeply. I became a Quaker that way, by Quakers listening deeply. And I eventually became a Christian that way.

After that, I found him on Facebook, and friended him. His page isn't a typical PR page--it's really him posting. We've had interesting theological and non-theological discussions from time to time, and I've enjoyed them too.

Tonight I read that he is writing a book on women in "The Church". His post specifically said, "

I'm writing a book about women's experiences with Chtistians, Christianity and The Church. One on one interviews organized by themes OYHO (in your humble opinion) What major themes I should focus on? If you would like to recommend someone send me their name, email and a brief summary of what you think they have to offer. Rather than leave a long comment here please email me at jimAToffthemapDOTcom".

And it just pissed me off. Men shouldn't, in this day and age, be writing books about women and "The Church." I suggested he, instead of conduct interviews and write the sections on specific themes, he change the book to an anthology.

Nope. His response?

"If a woman wants to write this book she should organize it and pitch it to a publisher. I did that about 3 years ago and they told me no one else had asked. Im sorry if Im disappointng you by wanting to write this book."

He didn't seem to care that women don't have the same access to publishing that men do in the US. I suggested an anthology instead of interviews, and he didn't like that idea either. He thought his intention should matter more than the impact of having yet another book about women and "The Church" written by a man.

Anyway, I'm hoping some of you could suggest some themes for him. Like why men shouldn't be writing books about women in the church.

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