There is nothing too insignificant for God

I was driving along when I heard an all too familiar noise.  Pulling off the road as soon as I could I checked my tires and sure enough I had a flat.  This has become a regular part of my life now that I no longer lease cars every two years and it was only a few months ago I missed a meeting because I got a flat on the infamous LIE.  When I was younger I didn't have much trouble changing flats but as I get closer to the end of my earthly journey I am clearly overmatched.  No cell phone, no nearby stores, I considered my options.  One by one I eliminated them until I got to prayer.  That normally works so I asked Jesus to interrupt someone and send them to me to help change the tire.  Then I sat back to wait.  then I decided to see if I could find the remnants of my jack from my last escapade.  Underneath the doughnut spare I slowly found one part after another.  I then tried to loosen the nuts with limited success (2 out of 5 fell victim to my less than herculean strength) and sat back waiting for God's assistance.  Within minutes a car pulled over and a man a few years younger than I came to my assistance.  Between us we loosened the remaining nuts and changed the tire.  I thanked him and God and continued home without further incident.  Now I will admit that sooner or later someone probably would have stopped to help but personally I find it much easier to get through these little bumps in life's road making God an active member of the journey.  He's part of it anyway so it's a lot less stressful when I raise my awareness of His presence.  It's asking Him for little things like road assistance and seeing Him respond that have allowed me to trust Him with the financial and medical troubles that have come my way in the past.  I think we each have to use what little faith we have and watch it grow like a mustard seed.

Views: 55

Comment by Stephanie Stuckwisch on 1st mo. 25, 2012 at 11:03pm

Thank you for this post. I think we put God into too small a box when we assume He doesn't care about the sparrow.


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