Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
You have all heard that old adage; Sticks
and stones may break my bones but words
will never hurt me.
Do not believe it; it is the lie of all lies.
Words do hurt; they hurt worse than a
barrage of sticks and stones ever could.
Ask any girl whose ever been called hippo,
any boy whose ever been called fag, Any
poor person who has ever been asked in
front of everyone; where do you get your
cloths from; a garbage dump.
Yes; ask any kid who has ever been
the target of mean words.
Each one of those mentioned will tell you
without hesitation that they would rather
face a mob of thousands with sticks and stones
than to be the recipient of hurtful, uncaring
words hurled at them by their peers.
That is why so many kids kill themselves every
year; because when they go to someone about
the hurtful words they they have endured,
all they receive in response is that old adage.
That’s why situations like columbine happen; because
kids have endured such disrespect from their peers
that it is unbearable and the only advise anyone
ever gives them is that old adage.
Do you want to stop kids killing themselves?
Do you want to stop things like columbine?
Do you want to stop bullying?
Then stop telling them that Sticks and Stones
may break my Bones but Words will never
hurt me; and start giving some real advise
and/or assistance.
Words Hurt, Words cut deep, Words Kill.
Read more by Daniel Paden at
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