Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Outward political and religious education and educators use outward forms, prescriptions, practices, ideologies (theologies), and institutions to gather people whose conscious is needful of being anchored in and whose conscience is needful of being informed by outward forms
A conscious anchored in and a conscience informed by outward forms, people, and institutions is the meaning of behind the words “Worldly,” “Carnal,” “Bodily,” or “Natural Reason or Faculties”. These terms illustrate further the nature of the phrase in italics.
In this political season, in the United States, there will be many professors, politicians, ministers, preachers, and priests (including the Pope), theologians, and ideologues, of outward political and religious forms competing with one another to gather people whose conscious is anchored in and whose conscience is informed by outward forms into their outward prescriptions. There is a competition to bring people into identity, meaning, purpose, with these outward prescriptions so that people will act in conformity and submission to outward political and religious platforms and empower those outward forms by establishing them as the ruling forms over the people in both political (governmental) and religious institutions.
Many of us affirm a different way. This way is of a conscious anchored in and a conscience informed by the immediate experience of inward Presence itself so that identity, meaning, and purpose is in and through this direct inward experience itself. In this experience, people gather together and have identity with the inward intuitive way which is not conditioned upon identity with outward forms. In this way, unity is established in the experience itself without respect to or conformity with any outward political and religious forms, persons, or institutions.
This way is the meaning behind to the words “Heaven,” Spiritual,” and “Intuitive.”These words illustrate further the nature of the experience and clarify the meaning and significance behind the underlined phrase.
To those who are weary of the outward way of faith in and identity with outward forms, people, and institutions, there is an inward way wherein people are gathered together directly under the inward experience of Presence itself and are of a faith in and identity with the inward experience of Infinite Being itself. In this experience, Presence itself guides and rules the actions of the individual and the gathering … inwardly and without reference to outward or representational similitudes, practices, traditions, forms, people, groups, and institutions.
There is no special practice or outward form to submit to or identify with to know this grace and promise of a life unhinged from a way of being or existence bond to outward forms and aligned with an existence illuminated inwardly by the power of inward Presence itself anchored in your conscious and informing your conscience. Just take a waiting posture while living your life.Just wait upon the unfolding of Presence itself in your mind and heart and grace will come upon you, through the power of Presence itself, and you will experience the falling away of the outward nature and submission to the outward political and religious forms people strive to impose upon other people. You will experience your conscious and conscience gathered into a way of existence, a way of being, that is of a new and different nature than that of those whose conscious is anchored in and whose conscience is informed by outward forms. You will come into eternity … that is, infinity itself. A new birth into a new life; a new way of existence that is not of those who profess outward prescriptions of peace and unity in this life and on this earth.
We commit and commend to everyone that the Word is born in your heart, and thereby you may be preserved from subjection to any thing outward.
Hello Kirby,
I have been looking through the Flickr images you shared of Occupy Portland. They prompted me to go back and read and listen to various people who did not share the politics of the Occupy Movement. The process of observing (with intentionality toward participation in Presence itself) people (on both sides) carrying their slogans (outward notions) on signs and others with their outward notions pinned to their bodies brought me back around to the origins of this post and some words by William Rogers in his “Christian Quaker.”
“Many of God’s People yet in the Body are Witnesses that, one part of the Testimony which accompanied the Servants of the Lord in those latter Days was against Outward Forms, Traditions, Prescriptions, Decrees, Ordinances of Men, with relation to Matters Spiritual and Divine, and wherein the Consciences of God’s People might be concerned, as being those Rudiments of the World, and of which he hath determined to gather his People (for to the Children of Light they appeared more agreeable to the Nature, and Tenor of the First Covenant than the Second) and not only so, but to establish his Church on the Rock Christ, that so, as they received him, they might walk in him, according to their respective Measures of Grace given them of God to profit withal, and which, as the Apostle declared, was sufficient for them.”
All these people, on both sides, have a faith in a particular set of outward political and/or religious prescriptions; and, while they do not agree relative to the various prescriptions, they all have faith in a way of being or existence wherein their conscious and identity is anchored in and their conscience is informed by outward forms, ideas, prescriptions, emotions, etc., which are (as Rogers states) of the “rudiments of the world.” That is, these outward forms, prescriptions, ideas, emotions, political platforms, religious codes, etc. are of a way of existence (world) that has meaning and purpose in adherence to, in establishment of, in the realization of, these outward forms that informs their conscience.
The Children of Light testify that God has intentionally gathered them out of a way of existence that has faith in outward forms, prescriptions, political platforms, religious codes and practices (the rudiments of the old way of existence). The Children of Light are gathered into a new covenant, a new way of being, through the second appearance of Christ within them. In this new way of being, the inward Light settles down into our very being, our very conscious, and re-places the rudiments of the old way of existence with inward Light itself as the foundation of our meaning and purpose. This inward Light anchoring and illuminating our conscious within us is our form, rule, and guide, in itself. We are led by the relative direct experience of the brightness of the Light in all our actions and in all circumstances here on earth. Our conscience is light guided inwardly without respect to outward political and religious persons, prescriptions and institutional frameworks. Heaven is this new way of existence, this new way of being, this new way of consciousness, this new way of conscience, here on earth. We existence in this Heaven alongside those whose way of existence is of a conscious are anchored in and whose conscience is informed by outward forms (the rudiments of the old world) and we walk in the Light itself according to our measure and we share that measure with others in the liberty of Light and in a free conscience.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and photos. They have blessed and challenged me.
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