The Illinois Yearly Meeting High School Friends Cordially Invite all
Quaker High School friends (and their parents) to join us for the…
The Quake That Rocked the Midwest!
January 15-18, 2010
1010 Greanleaf, Evanston Ill, 60202
Folks will be arriving Friday afternoon and evening, and typically fend for themselves for
Friday's dinner. Meals will be provided for Saturday breakfast through Monday lunch.
We will be staying at Evanston Monthly Meeting House in Evanston, Il. The fee is $40
however please note: If you don’t have it DON”T WORRY! We like teens more than $, do not let lack of
money prevent you from coming. We’ll take a partial payment, or give out a grant.
Please RSVP Javaughn Fernanders at jfernanders@gmail or at the facebook site so we can plan
appropriately. Please also bring any skills you may lend to the weekend. WE NEED ADULT VOLUNTEERS!
More details will follow as plans develop.
Parents are welcome to stay for the weekend and work with the adults. It’s fun! Please
completely fill out the medical release form and let me know if your teen is holding their own health card.
DIFFERENCES!!! Our desire to develop an inclusive and diverse community works best when staff and
volunteers know what is happening with your teen.
Please use cell phones for emergency communication. Javaughn Fernanders, IYLM High School Coordinator’s
cell phone number is 574-339-1956.
Here is a tentative agenda
Friday 6:00 -7:15p.m. Arrival, registration w/ snacks.
7:30 Overview
Saturday 8-930 Breakfast
10-11:30 Workshop/Field Trip
12-1 lunch
1-4 Workshop/Field Trip
5:00-6:30 Dinner
Sunday 8-9: SHARP Breakfast & Clean-Up.
10-11:00 Meeting for Worship.
12:00-1:30 Lunch
2:00- Out trip w/dinner?
7:00 Café Jam/Games/ Homework Room
830-930 yoga
10:00-11:30 brunch
12:00-2:00 Wrap up and clean up
The Yesses
As best let us try to maintain a community influenced by principles of Unity, Diversity, Simplicity,
Peace, Community, Integrity and Equality.
Yes! Be inclusive. It is great to see new friends! Please remember to introduce yourself to new faces.
And to you new faces, please feel comfortable to introduce yourselves!
Yes! Bring your fave snacks! We try, but we don’t always succeed in bringing the healthiest eats. If
you need a special diet please let Javaughn know.
Yes! Please participate in as many workshops as you see fit. However, if you feel a bit burnt, feel free
to relax and rest up before the next activity. Feel free to recommend topics, speakers, activities for next
Talk to an adult if there is a social, or personal crisis you feel you can’t solve.
The No’s
NO sexual activity of any kind—Couples, IYM HS group (really it isn’t just me) encourages couples to refrain
from PDA. Public Displays of Affection are often too intimate to be shared with the community as a whole
(really, would you want everyone to watch as you vigourously picked your nose) and make us all a bit
uncomfortable and to be honest-- queasy. Overall, we would like each individual to be fully present for
fellowship, worship and fun.
NO illegal use of narcotics or prescription drugs. Don’t bring them, don’t be high on them when you arrive. NO
harassment or bullying of any kind. There is NO smoking at the IYM HS Quake NO use of alcohol, marijuana,
other drugs (including K2) or misuse of prescription drugs.
IYM HS has a practice of forgiveness and is not interested humiliating teens. Depending on the
severity of the situation you may be not allowed to continue your participation in IYM HS events until
after your participation in a confidential Clearness Committee. We understand that each situation and
person is different. For questions please contact Javaughn Fernanders or a Clerk of IYM HS—Mason
Andrew George and Quinn Laird on Facebook or call Javaughn for their contact numbers.
Participant’s Name: ____________________________________
Monthly Meeting ________________________________________
Birth Date ___________________ Finishing grade _____________
Address: _______________________________________________
Phone(s) ________________________________________________
Health issues _____________________________________________
Special needs/ medications, special foods, restrictions
Date of last Tetanus shot _____________________________________
In the event of an emergency, call: _____________________________
Name of insurance company __________________________________
Policy number _____________________________________________
Please include copy of insurance form
I give my permission for my child named herein to participate in all the Quake activities for High School
Friends, for the weekend of January 14-17, 2010, I release Illinois Yearly Meeting and all those working with
the activities of this Quake/work weekend from liability for any injury or illness that my child may experience
during this time. In the event of an emergency, I herby authorize Yearly Meeting organizers to consent to any
medical or surgical care advised by licensed health care providers. I hereby release Illinois Yearly Meeting and
its representatives from any liability, legal or financial, for emergency care provided to my child. I expect to be
informed as soon as possible of any problems.
Participant Signature____________________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________
Bring signed for to the meeting or e-mail to: Javaughn Fernanders at javaughn©isp.com. Contact Javaughn for
any questions at 574-289-8060 (home)
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