Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
The world is ruled by the faculty of the reflective nature. Human relations are guided and informed by and through the agency of political, religious, educational, commercial, industrial, and economic institutions and the individual agents of those institutions. Those who have been drawn outside the reflective nature and into the direct rule of the spirit of Christ in the conscience, often find that the agencies and agents of the reflective nature will seek to force those in the intuitive nature to comply with their reflective content to guide and inform human relations. Through intuitive awareness of the motion of Christ in the conscience, many in the intuitive nature will find compliance with outward reflective content manifests an awareness of the diminishment of the intuitive presence of Christ in their conscience. This faculty of the direct and continuous awareness of the intensity of the spirit of Christ's presence guides the conscience in matters of human relations. It is the awareness of the motion of the spirit that informs relationships and behavior not the reflective content and dictates of the outward powers and principalities and the agencies and agents in the reflective nature.
In times and moments that people in the reflective nature use the agencies and agents of the reflective process to force or impose outward political, religious, educational, commercial, and economic forms over against the immediate and direct motion of the spirit of Christ in the conscience of other people, those in the intuitive nature hold instead to the inshining motion of Christ by non-compliance. The effect of such non-compliance is the powers and principalities of the reflective nature will seek some form of isolation of the non-compliant, including imprisonment, censorship of speech, and supression of economic activity and so forth.
The experience of suppression over against the motion of the spirit of Christ in the conscience and consciousness is a decisive point in relation to the intuitive awareness of the intensity of Christ's presence. The motion of Christ in my conscience manifests an awareness of a diminishment of the intensity of the Spirit's presence when I reflect upon the outcomes employed by the powers and principalities of the reflective nature over against my conscience. Also, there is an awareness of diminishment of Christ's presence should I come into compliance with their reflected forms. In each case, I am come into the power of the reflective nature in my relationships and interaction. It is when I turn from the inshining image of Christ in my conscience and reflect upon the impositions employed against me for non-compliance that the reflective nature possesses me and I am overcome. In the power and presence of the image of Christ in my conscience, it is not the effects of holding to the motion of Christ through non-compliance that is my focus; it is the awareness of the active presence of the spirit of Christ itself in itself, even in the midst of the consequences of non-compliance. That is, I am not entered into reflection of the repercussions of non-compliance with the agencies and agents of the reflective nature, but in the living and active presence of Christ. In Christ, I am drawn out of reflecting upon what the powers and principalities of the reflective nature impose over against my conscience. In the intuitive nature, it is mine to focus on the image of Christ and the awareness of the intentsity of his active presence and to turn from participation in the reflective nature and with its agents and agencies
When drawn out of the reflective nature and into the intuitive nature to guide and inform human relations by the presence of the living spirit of Christ, the agents and agencies of the reflective nature lose their power and influence over human behavior and interaction. Engaging with, entering into, and participating with the reflective nature by reflecting upon (positively or negatively) the behavior of the agents and agencies of the reflective nature is the diminishment of the intuited presence of the Holy Spirit. When we become aware of a diminishment of Christ's presence in compliance with the powers and principalities of the reflective nature, non-compliance to the rulings and dictates of the agents and agencies of the reflective nature is compliance to the rule of the inshining workings of the spirit of Christ in our conscience. Our non-compliance is not the result of a reflected disagreement with a particular rule laid down through the reflective nature, it is awareness that compliance with the rule manifests a diminishment of the intensity of the spirit of Christ's presence inshining upon our conscience. We do not argue or reflective upon the rule imposed through the agents and agencies of the reflective nature, we comply with the awareness of the increase in the intensity of the Spirit's presence when we hold to the inshining image of Jesus Christ. In this, we say to the agents and agencies of the reflective nature: "I cannot do so. To do so, diminishes awareness of the living image of Christ inshining upon my conscience."
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