It does us good to study the life of Jesus in the four gospels. Many times Jesus preformed unorthodox actions, which confused many of the Jews. Today . . . we have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight . . . looking back into history and seeing the results of the actions of others . . . and the results of the actions of Jesus . . . that have affected generation after generation after generation.

Jesus said and taught many ideas, that were so foreign to the thinking of the great minds of that day. So ... after 2000 years have passed . . . why does mankind still have a problem understanding and living the teachings of Jesus?

Jesus said " Everyone that hears the sayings of mine, and doeth them not is like a foolish man that builds his house on the sand. And every man that doeth them is like a wise man that builds his house on rock.

Jesus said "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and yea shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."

So . . . if we ask God for understanding . . . and he then gives us understanding . . . why do we not understand?

Is the problem God? Is he asleep? Is God deaf? Is God dead?

Jesus gives us the answer . . . Matt. 13:15 the people have harden their hearts and they don't want to hear.

The majority of mankind does not want to hear the voice of God. The majority of mankind desires to live their lives on their own terms . . . without God interfering when they pray. We want to tell God how to run the universe.

James tells us in chapter 4:3 the reason we ask and receive not the answer is because we ask for the wrong reason.
I was puzzled by many of the sayings of Jesus until the day that I said "Why don't I understand your sayings"

I was shocked when I heard these words "You want to learn on your terms and not mine"

I instantly said to God " I'm all ears . . . I will give up my agenda and I will listen to any subject or thought from you God . . . you are the teacher and I'm the student."

God then said "You need to pray like this." "God it is so nice to spend time with you . . . I just want you to tell me all about yourself. I want to learn everything, all about you, and please don't leave out any details."

I said to God "You? . . . want me? . . . to treat you? . . . just like? . . . another human? . . . that I have been admiring and looking forward to meeting?" God said "Try it . . . and see what happens.'

So . . . I did exactly as he advised. I said "God . . . tell me . . . all about you . . . I can't wait to hear what you have to say."

Instantly God began to teach me on subjects that I was not thinking about.

And I loved it. I love to sit at his feet and listen . . . and listen . . . and listen . . . and listen.

So . . . everyday I would say "God . . . tell me all about yourself, don't leave anything out. . . I'm all ears.

That was three years ago.

Now I pray " God . . . I just want to be like you . . . when I grow up. Tell me more . . . tell me more . . . so I

can be just like you."

Jesus told the apostles " I have many things to tell you, but you can not bear them now." John 16:12

Psalms 84:11 no good thing will he withhold from them that walk sincerely.

So are you treating God like a God . . . or are you treating God like your best friend and hero?

My goal is to get you to . . . fall in love with God.

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