Friends, I am pleased to announce that Tenth Month 24 (10/24/09) will be the third annual International Talk Like a Quaker Day.
Basically, this is a day to use Plain Speech (thee/thy instead of you/your) and/or talk about Quaker principles, such as peace and equality.
Here are some examples:
ITLAQ Day is the 24th day of Tenth Month and it is Seventh Day (of the week). This day is also William Penn's birthday and United Nations Day.
Mind the Light.
Friend Obama, thy policy of increasing troop levels in Afghanistan is not in keeping with the Peace Testimony.
I have posed myself a query in the spirit of John Woolman and William Penn: where among my possessions and actions are the seeds of war and what I am doing to change that?
(PS- There is a Facebook page International Talk Like a Quaker Day!)
(PPS- I'm celebrating by hosting a community service gardening event at the local Senior Center).
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