Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Deuteronomy 5 – The Ten Commandments: [Schocken version points out that the commandments were “for a time. . .part of Jewish liturgy, but were ultimately removed from the Prayer Book out of fear that it would be thought that ten rules were the limit of one’s obligations to God (874].
Moses was the mediator between God and his people, mostly because they wanted it that way. They feared encountering God directly.
It is interesting that Jews, Catholics and Protestants all number the commandments a little differently. Try doing it yourself and see how you would divide them -it's tricky.
The Jewish division is as follows:
The Catholics merge the introduction with the first commandment:
And the Protestants number them like this:
After the commandments are given, the people again ask Moses to “go back . . .and listen to all that the Lord, our God, says. Then return and tell us what He said to you. We will listen and obey” (5:27).
Matthew 24:1-28 - Jesus comes out of the Temple and the disciples are showing him something about the buildings. He responds that “not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down” (24:2). At the Mount of Olives he goes on talking about his next coming and the “end of the age” (24:3). Jesus speaks to warn them of the dangers there will be to be led astray. This phrase appears many times in the following discourse (5 or 6 times at least). Many will come claiming to be “Messiah” [or in MK and LK “him”]; there will be wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes (“the beginning of the birthpangs”). They will be handed over to be torture: here in MT the torturers are generalized; in MK they may be councils, synagogues, governors or kings; in LK synagogues, kings or governors. There will be people falling away, betraying others, hating one another; false prophets will come; the love of the brothers will in some cases grow cold because of the increase in lawlessness; the “desolating sacrilege” spoken of in Daniel [9:27; 11:31; 12:11] will occur and those in Judea must flee to the mountains—it will be a time of great suffering. Matthew then repeats lines about false Messiahs in a part that does not appear to be taken from MK [it does not appear in LK either].
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