One of my favorite sayings is "The only problem with common sense is that it's not common."  In the past I used to set aside a month to read the book of Proverbs.  The book has 31 chapters and I would read a chapter a day as part of my old testament reading.  There's a lot of common sense stuff in Proverbs and a lot of good advice as well that deserves meditation time.  When Jesus first became real and personal to me( or when I first experienced His reality) I decided to add a scripture verse to the bottom of my letterhead as a witnessing tool.  After prayer the Holy Spirit led me to Proverbs 4:23; Watch over your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the springs of life.  Eventually it dawned on me that that verse was for me more than anyone else as I was constantly reading it with every letter I mailed out and it's been a life changing blessing, just as many other verses in the book of Proverbs have been life changing verses for millions down through the years.  These verses don't call for great sacrifices but serve as anchors to maintain our seaworthiness as we sail through the storms of life.  I highly recommend spending a month with Proverbs on a regular basis and taking the time to sit in a verse's presence when it calls you to do so, letting the inner light quicken your soul.

Views: 116

Comment by David McKay on 2nd mo. 13, 2017 at 6:43pm

I must admit I've never tried this practice. I've always found the stories of scripture more interesting than the aphorisms. But it may be helpful at some point.

Your decision to add a scripture to your letterhead as a witness and how the Holy Spirit prodded you that it was more for you than it was for the others resonates with an experience of mine. After deep disagreement with someone I found myself dealing with unresolved anger toward them. And I added a verse from scripture to my emails at about this time, not as letterhead but as postscript: a bruised reed he will not break and a smoking wick he will not quench (Isaiah 42:3). Initially I intended it as a jibe against the other — look how you should have treated me. But like you the Spirit of Christ held the scripture up like a mirror to me so that I could see myself.

Comment by James C Schultz on 2nd mo. 13, 2017 at 11:48pm

Funny how that works. :)

Comment by Shane Moad on 2nd mo. 14, 2017 at 6:03am
Like you James I have found great encouragement out of reading Proverbs. It's one of the areas my wife and I turn to in the bible most mornings to start the day. Over the last tens years, either seen on the news or in daily life, it seems ever more obvious that common sence is indeed a dying gift! So before I catch the "bug" I am going to give myself large doses of it found within Scripture.


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