I won two of my senior class category  polls in a class of 185 students.  I was the winner of the shortest male student and the shyest.  And the fact of the matter was I was not the shortest and I was not the shyest.   Another student in my class was the shyest . . . he would never talk to anyone . . . the reason that I won the student poll was . . . I had red hair.  I could not hide.   I weighed 102 lbs. at graduation.


My first encounter with a bully was in third grade.  We had moved into another school district and the second day of school . . . a big fourth grader walked up to me during recess . . . I was watching all the other kids playing . . . and he started talking about how he didn't like me and my constant blowing my nose . . .   I had a bad cold . . . I was annoying him.   He was going to beat me up and prove the new kid was a little wimp.  


I learned to make friends with the biggest kids in the class in order to avoid the bullies. I would let the big guys copy my homework in order to win their friendship.   In my high school class next to the teachers desk was always . . .  a trash can.  The number of times I was picked up by a bully and then dropped into the trash can was always . . . one time too many  . . . in my book . . . but  . . . I would just laugh . . . hoping they would get board . . . and I would struggle like a turtle trying to get back on my feet . . . to get out of the trash can.  Several times the teachers would walk into the class and say the most stupid things . . . like "Why are you in my trash can"  and I would reply "I don't know . . . something picked me up and put me here."  Never . . . did a teacher . . . help me out of the trash or lecture the class about bullies.  


Many times my books would be knocked out of my hands between classes.  The really big guys would come up from behind and pick me up by my head, and lift me off my feet and say "look how little his is . . . he is as light a feather."


Twelve years ago my pastor encouraged his church members to publicly hold up signs of pro life along a public road for one hour.  And being the person that I am  . . .  I was leery about the whole thing . . . but my wife insisted  . . . that we do this good and nobel deed.  Well . . .  I've never been given the royal single finger salute . . . by so many passers by . . . in just one hour.  We never convinced anyone to change their mind about the problem.  


There is no such thing as a peaceful non-violent demonstration.  It is just another group of people trying to force their ideas onto another group of people that are not like them.  


If you don't like your wages . . . then find another job . . . don't picket your place of work.  Your employer was not forced to hire you . . . you willingly came to work.    


If your country is not living up to your ideals . . . move to another.  


When we public demonstrate . . .  we are the bully.    Jesus tells us "do not resist an evil person"  when we resist . . .  by a public demonstration . . . we are throwing away a portion of our spiritual inheritance that will be given to us in the next life.   If you do not understand the words of Jesus about this subject . . . you should be spending more time with God and less time following men.   



Views: 70

Comment by Rickey D. Whetstone on 4th mo. 18, 2011 at 4:57pm


It's been one week  . . . how much time have you spent  praying for me?   


Everyone who has the same ideas . . . will think that their fellow writers . . . write with integrity. 


I was born with a congenital birth defect . . .    Mitral valve prolapse  . . .     


Those who live in abortion land . . . will vote that my mother should have aborted me.


There was a time  . . . when I  lived  in abortion land . . . until my first child was born.  I had swallowed the lie about  (murder) abortion.  


 I'm free of abortion land now . . . and if you or anyone want to live in abortion land . . . please stay where you are.  


I  will not try to rescue you.  


Have it your way.  


What ever that is. 




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