Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
I stopped going to Meeting, months ago...
I lost an Employment Tribunal case...I sat and heard people in positions of authority purjuring themselves, bearing false witness and fabricating and concealing evidence. I suppose I was naive to believe that people under oath would tell the truth! It was/is no consolation at all that I was speaking truth to power, since a panel decided my case against me, because it was technically 'out of time'. It was such a bitter experience that a bully was left to carry on bullying his subordinates. I wasn't pursuing money, only the truth, and to stop him bullying any one else.
At about this time I encountered such a strong sense of an absence of God.
I stood up in meeting and ministered...out of a sense of exhaustion.Not the most coherent Ministry on my part, about violence in the world. I should have shut up... I heard other people Ministering in similar vein...and then bursting out, a woman in the Meeting leapt up and said that this Ministry was 'like throwing rocks at the Meeting'. It was the least Quakerly Ministry I have ever heard, in thirty years. There was an awful silence.
Some Quakers would rather the Meeting was always silent, especially when the silence is not gathered. They see it as restful! I would rather hear fumblings after the truth than the stifled silence of a Meeting that is not gathered, when cough -drop papers rustle and people shift in their seats, just waiting for release.
So I stopped going to Meeting, and haven't been back since.
I seem to have mislaid my own Quakerly feelings. It feels like a light has gone out, and yet the urge to do anything about it has stalled.
Am I still a Quaker?
Just an observation. Just because 'a light has gone out' does not mean Light no longer exists. I spent a long time without any faith of any kind because of anger and expecting humans to be perfect. Eventually, events and life moved me past that and I am glad it did. Give yourself time to heal and value yourself that you deserve to. I know some Quakers do want to define exactly who is and who isn't a Quaker. Personally, I'm not sure that is very important. Do you feel you're still a Quaker??
When you sit in prayer with this, what do you think God is telling you? Is there anyone you trust to hold this with you?
with tenderness,
Mary Linda
Have you read Sandra Cronk's book Dark Night Journey? I've found it of help when I was dry and bitter and disappointed.
Sometimes I fret about whether or not I am a Quaker, and sometimes I decide just to get on with following God as best I can figure it out and never mind the labels. (Not that I don't grouse a lot at God...)
MY computer is acting up. I just wanted to share an experience. Upon reading about Jesus' s law of love I thought the purpose of forgiveness and truth was about affecting change in those around us....and to some extent I think it is. But I recently learner that it is also about maintaining a clean and joyous heart. When I feel rejected or betrayed my whole being is swallowed up with anger mistrust and bitterness. It is very difficult I know. But when I realize that all I have is a gift that I am a steward of and I am no more deserving of it than anyone else...when I remember that I to have wronged others and know one is perfect but our Lord...I remember that is where my ultimate trust and dependence must lay. People and things will invariably let you down.
My heart's cry is this. The injustice of your tribunal and rejection you feel are surely very painful. There is nothing wrong with taking time to mourn. But God is right there with you. Perhaps the roar of your own heart makes it difficult to hear? Can you forgive? (Sometimes it helps me to read about the experiences of others. It puts my situation in a more objective light. Ever read about Corie Ten Boom?)
May you find sweet peace and divine direction.
Spiritual dry times happens to all of us. It's easy for us to get discouraged.....we don't have some of the "trappings" other faith traditions have to 'get lost" in...or "focus on" when our own sense of Spirit is diminished. We don't light candles...we could.....but don't....we could light incense....we could...but don't....we could say a prayer of wine and bread.....we could...but don't.....OUR witness is that while these things CAN and ARE to many vehicles of the Light....our "way" is not found in the "outward forms" sometimes...we get tired.....sometimes we get lonely...especiallin Meeting at times.
I went on a "cross coutry" trip with a Friend friend of mine....I was telling him about my own spiritual dryness and how it seemed my prayers went no higher than the ceiling...and I could not sense the Light as I sought to "enter into the Presence" in Meeting.....he listened as I bemoaned my spiritual state....very quietly he recited..."He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Ps 91:1.
He went on to say that sometimes in our Jouney...we move into the "Shadow of God"...and lose sight of Him....not because He is so far away...but because He is so very Near we are ecliped in His Shadow.
I Remember these days of my "dry times".....I am in His Shadow.....a good place to be.
It doesn't matter if you are still a Quaker. What matters is that you lost your peace. Get it back. That's the important thing. Otherwise you will be tossed about.
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