Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
Awareness of the inshining presence of the spirit of Jesus Christ guides and informs my relationships and interactions. This awareness of the Spirit’s presence seated in my consciousness and conscience and the experience of its relative intensity through awareness of the increase or diminishment of the light of the spirit is, in itself, the faculty which anchors my consciousness and informs my conscience. In the power and presence of the spirit of Christ, the faculty of reason or reflective thought does not anchor my consciousness and inform my conscience in matters of human relations.
Being in Christ’s presence discovers to me that human relations guided and informed through the agency of the reflective nature is the cause of conflict and strife. To the extent that people relate to one another through the agency of the reflective nature and the political, religious, educational, and economic conceptual entities manifested through reflective nature is the extent to which I cannot, in good conscience, affirm their behaviour toward one another. It is the direct and immediate experience of the awareness of the inshining presence of the spirit of Christ enthroned upon my consciousness and conscience and the renewal of my mind through the faculty of awareness of the spirit’s intensity in a given interaction that draws me out of the agency of the reflective nature and the cycle of conflict it nurtures.
The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is guided and informed through the agency of the reflective nature and the use of its political, religious, educational, and economic conceptual entities. To the extent they embrace the reflective nature and its conceptual agents is the extent to which they will nurture conflict. There is a different way found in the agency of the spirit of Christ and the renewal of the mind through the faculty of awareness of the spirit’s relative intensity in given interactions. Turning to the Spirit’s presence in the conscious and conscience will draw human relations out of the reflective nature and being guided and informed by conceptual entities manifested through the reflective process.
In reality, the power of the reflective nature and the resulting influence of its elemental conceptual entities is strong and rules much of human relations. Human relations and interactions will not be drawn out of conflict and strife through the promotion of concepts like, passivism, peace, unity, etc. These concepts are also agents of the reflective nature. The use of concepts to guide human relations is under the power of the reflective nature and the conceptual entities manifested through the process of reflective thought.
The spirit of Christ is discovered to me that physical weapons of war are shadows of the conceptual entities which guide human technological weaponry development through the the agency of the reflective nature. The immanent presence of the spirit of Christ in my conscience has shifted my perspective and now I see that concepts are living spiritual entities that influence people and which people use to guide their actions toward other people through the agency of the reflective nature. Concepts are not created in the brains of human beings. The world of these conceptual entities of the reflective nature is all around as we go about daily life in the physical world. It is a world along-side the physical world. It is by the power of the reflective nature that people’s conscience and consciousness come under the influence of these conceptual entities and use them to guide human relations. The outward manifestation of conflict, like that between Russia and Ukraine, is a mere shadow of the reality behind the outward physical events. Condemnation of the physical circumstances pushed by Russian and Ukrainian politicians, and others around the world, are conceived in the nursery of the reflective nature. Both sides view their relations to one another through power of the reflective nature and they yearn for the guidance of the conceptual entities the reflective process offers so that they may use these entities against each other. These agents of the reflective nature are the real weapons of war. The physical weapons used against people are dead forms animated and used by people through the agency of the reflective nature and its conceptual agents. It is not the physical weapons that is the cause of death and conflict. It is the conceptual agents of the reflective nature that is the source of conflict and death. The presence of Christ in my conscience has revealed to me a way out of the need for conceptual entities conjured through the agency of the reflective nature to guide and inform human relations. This different way is through the experience of the enthronement of the spirit of Christ in the conscience and consciousness. In this different way, people live in the continuous awareness of the presence of Christ in the conscience which leads us out of the faculty of te reflective nature and its conceptual entitities to guide human relations. The direct experience of Christ’s inshining presence and awareness of the guiding faculty of the Spirit’s increased and decreased illumination in given circumstances transforms and renews human relations through the direct experience of the Spirit itself in itself.
Everything is christ consciousness. Dinosaurs are were. They gave us energy knowing we were coming to utilize in leaps of evolvement. They now fly with wings, will have wings when we go inward where our spirit can unlock release unimagined power not explosive force an obvious power but really a step to make and learn from the temptation.
South Sudan, Syria, now Ukraine...
Luciferian tempted free will erroneous as stating civil war is revolutionary war. 1770s was no different than sudan ukraine resisting luciferian tool banking private vs public. Private banking always accompanies a series of war. Russia, Islam, Florence, Robert Barclay colonies all have finance serve the people and not a tool of pacification or new form of slavery, DEBT. Resist that and you will be on target map. Ukraine is a peripheral target in David Ben Gurions, Peripheral strategy. Albici family toppled via widow dressed private banking via puppet Medeicis and more sinister window dressing marble and paint. Blinged out Florence looking at icons and color brilliance like youth today wearing non plain dress sparkling threads misplaced esteem false pride. Well florence enjoyed spiritual heights softened and had their Cromwell opening that both led to a take over shortly after. 1650s ... 1690s Bank of London ... civil war... Florence albici ... civil war ... always a loss of sovreignty land and spirit cycled into materialism... marble paint no spirit. Land redistributed. Florence, England and the coveted new world.. 1930s land redistribution and as always loss of land equals slavery and debt slavery.
Today springs of consciousness fair trade with small farms to effect some equity sovreignty. This is seen in central america and africa. Anywhere fake money debt based economy will have land and government trabsferred 80 to 150 years out.
Russia is acting no different than we would if Texas succeded. Real Estate infrastructure and more... peripheral to Crimea.
US virgin Islands and Hawaii our Crimea...
Spratley Islands... peripheral fights.
Ukraine = Peripheral loss Crimea an othello styled game just like South Sudan.
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