Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
In 1680 Friend William Rogers published a book documenting why some founding Friends were not of the same conscience as George Fox (and those who followed him) concerning the institutionalization of the gathering of Friends by establishing a specific set of outward forms and practices.
The following links comprise the whole of Rogers' work in the form of a facsimile of the original text, a digitized version, and an online version.
Christian Quaker ... By William Rogers
Written 1680
Please let me know if there are any issues.
I am working on a modernized version of the book along with annotations and cross-references. However, it will not be available any time soon. At least there is an electronic version now available for those who are interested.
Keith F. Saylor
Comments are closed for this blog post
Update ---
Four people have asked whether I would compile the parts of Rogers treatise into one file. Below is a link to the full document in one PDF file. This file is ordered in the same fashion as when originally published. There is a postscript after the preface and the errata is after the postscript and before the first part. This is not a mistake ... It is a true rendering of the document as originally published.
Also, the First Part in Dropbox was somehow truncated when it was originally uploaded. I have uploaded a corrected file containing the full text of the First Park. You may re-download the First Part from Dropbox by following the link published in the post above this one.
Link to Full Text of Rogers "The Christian Quaker ..."
P.S. I have closed all commenting on this thread to make updating easier and more contiguous. Please feel free to email me at:
Keith F. Saylor
Progress of keyboarding The Christian Quaker ... by William Rogers
So far I have keyboarded over 800 pages of text. "The Christian Quaker" is a little over 600 pages long.
Note: The current goal is to proofread the keyboarded texts at least three times before publication.
Starting with the Second Part of the Christian Quaker, I converted over to keyboarding the text using Markdown language. This will make it easier for me to publish in multiple formats such as: pdf, Kindle Ebook, IBook, etc. However, this means I will have to back track to bring the previously keyboarded texts into Markdown Language compliance.
I am also in the process of keyboarding various early Quaker documents referenced in the Christian Quaker, like Barclay's "The Anarchy of the Ranters." I am also cross-referencing George Fox, Issac Pennington, and Edward Burrough documents. Currently, there will be at least 10 documents and authors attached to the final publication of the Rogers' work. Each of which will be linked together by various cross-referencing and annotations so that the reader will be easily able to study various related sources in one publication by jumping back and forth through links embedded into the final document. This sort of dynamic and immersive reading makes for a well rounded understanding of all authors involved by sinking into the source itself.
As always, comments are closed on this post. If you have any questions please email me at
I have now finished keyboarding the Third Part of William Rogers The Christian Quaker ... Having keyboarded 404 pages of his Manuscript with another approximately 200 pages to go. Completing the Third Part is a huge milestone for me. It is the largest part of the Manuscript and completing it respesents being well past half way finished as the 4th and 5th parts are only around 100 pages in length each.
During my ongoing research, I have come across two more 17th century Quakers pamphets I will append to the publlished version of Rogers's keyboard text. These pamphets will be published with The Spirit of the Hat which is a letter by an anonymous Quaker in a version published in 1673. I am appending this letter to Rogers's manuscript because it was published almost a decade before The Christian Quaker ... and manifests much of the same issues Rogers bring forth. I will also add William Penn's response to The Spirit of the Hat entitled The Spirit of Alexander the Copper-Smirth Justly Rebuk'd: or an Answer to a Late Pamphlet Intituled, The Spirit of the HAT, or the Government of the Quakers. In which the Confederacy is Broken, and the Devil's Champions Defeated (Published in 1673). To which then will be apphended a pamphlet in defense of The Spirit of the Hat and a specifc response to William Penn's pamphlet. This resonse to William Penn, is entitled: Tyranny and Hypocrisy Detected: or, A further Discovery of the Tyrannical Government, Popish-Principles, and vile Practices of the now-Leading Quakers. Being a Defence of the Letter, intituled, The Spirit of the Hat, against the Decietful, Defective, and Railing Answer, called The Spirit of Aleander &c.
Progress of keyboarding The Christian Quaker ... by William Rogers
Preface - Complete - Proofed one time.
Postscript to Preface - Complete - Proofed one time.
First Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Second Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Third Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Forth Part - In Progress - 10% complete
Fifth Part -
Index -
Progress of keyboarding The Christian Quaker ... by William Rogers
Preface - Complete - Proofed one time.
Postscript to Preface - Complete - Proofed one time.
First Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Second Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Third Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Forth Part - Complete - Not Proofed
Fifth Part - In Progess - 10% complete
Index -
There absolutely is nothing like re-typing an entire book to immerse yourself into the mind of the writer by stepping right down into the space between the lines were meaning is manifest.
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