Keith Saylor's Blog (211)

When the season of the outward ministration of others is passed and fulfilled in the everliving presence of Christ.

In an article published in The Friends Journal entitled "A Parallel Universe" the author writes:

The Spirit works on us to enable us to give something of what we have received to others, to act as a mirror. So it& is that God works not only directly but through human beings, each upon another.


Through the power of the spirit of Christ…


Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 19, 2020 at 12:14pm — No Comments

Living in the primary and sufficient government of the spirit of Christ and being drawn out of the process of reflective thought as primary authority over human relationships and interactions.

People's relationships and interactions are generally mediated through the interplay between feelings, will, perceptions, sensations, and thoughts (the functions of the body). The appearance of the immanent and everliving presence of the spirit of Christ in the conscience sometimes draws people out of the process of being or life that is mediated through the reflective function of the body in matters relating to human interaction; they are come into relationships and interactions being…


Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 16, 2020 at 9:57am — 1 Comment

To those who are come into the immanent presence of everlasting self-sustaining being of Christ in their conscience and consciousness.

When a person comes to you with advice on how to think, act, or behave, in a given circumstance ... seek, rest in, and give the prerogative to, the immanent presence of the everlasting, self-sustaining being of Christ in your conscience and consciousness ... Watch!

When a governmental or institutional person comes to you suggesting you should give over civil freedom to them for your own protection ... seek, rest in, and give the prerogative to, the immanent presence…


Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 25, 2020 at 11:03am — No Comments

Henry Pickworth and The Spirit's Ancient Operations

Research Notes and Comments: ACOEHI Pickworth, Henry

Henry Pickworth and The Spirit's Ancient Operations

In 1715 a book was published entitled A Charge of Error, Hereſy, Incharity, Falſhood, Evaſion, Inconſiſtency, Innovation, Impoſition, Infidelity, Hypocriſy, Pride, Railery, Apoſtacy, Perjury, Idolatry, Villany, Blasphemy, Abomination, Confusion, and Worſe than Turkish Tyranny. The subtitle reads, Most justly exhibited, and offered to be proved…


Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 21, 2020 at 10:25am — No Comments

Comfort in Turmoil

The experience of the self-sustaining eternal life of God immanently established in the consciousness, so that self-awareness, identity, meaning, and purpose is established in God's immanent self-sustaining life, is habitation in the coming of the Kingdom of God into human history.

Taking up habitation in this different way of being…


Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 3, 2020 at 8:00am — No Comments

Being Drawn into the Life itself.

Research Notes: TGMOTG

Charles Leslie on page 196 of his 1697 edition of The Snake in the Grass highlights one of George Fox's responses to one of William Thomas' reflections on Quakers. Fox's response can be read in context on page 237 of the 1596 edition of The Great Mystery of the Great Whore which reads in part:

The work of the Miniſters of the Goſpel was not to reflect upon perſons, or strike at creatures ...; but they struck at the power…


Added by Keith Saylor on 2nd mo. 24, 2020 at 5:10pm — No Comments

Those who would suffer the Lamb to rise.

I am in the midst of effort to keyboard The Mystery of the Great Whore by George Fox (1659), The Snake in the Grass by Charles Leslie (1697 Second Edition), and A Charge of Error ... by Henry Pickworth (1716). These texts will be integrated and cross-referenced with the texts currently published in the Christonomy Project on In Pickworth's A Charge of Error, I recently keyboarded a…


Added by Keith Saylor on 1st mo. 31, 2020 at 5:26pm — No Comments

The mystery of a faith held in a pure conscience.

James Naylor, in his “A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath, and the Second Wisdom from Above” wrote two phrases that can be seen as a reflection of the mystery of a consciousness anchored in and a conscience informed by the direct experience of immanently sustained being itself in itself inshining upon the consciousness and conscience.

First he wrote that “the will and the brain are the serpents seat” ( View in Source -…


Added by Keith Saylor on 12th mo. 14, 2019 at 1:36pm — No Comments

The Power of God preserves forms and brings to see where forms are not.

Pr. He saith, If they can but destroy all formes, the power will fall with it; for the form preserves the power, page 37.

Answ. Contrary to the Apostle; many have the form, but deny the power. The power preserves the forme, sees the end of forms, and destroys them, and brings to see before forms were, where forms are not. For the Apostles who lived in the power, denied the Jewes forms, and Gentiles both, as we do now deny the Popish…


Added by Keith Saylor on 8th mo. 25, 2019 at 11:31am — No Comments

The Impulse of Immanent Being

There is a way of being, consciousness, or self-awareness that is innate in human beings and which is intuitively experienced rather than learned though intellectual effort or reflective consciousness. Reflective consciousness lights up in relation to reflections through the functioning of the body. That is, through the senses and intellectual or mental ideological constructs. A person may directly experience the nature of being that is mirrored through the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 8th mo. 21, 2019 at 1:17pm — No Comments

The Christonomy Project - a window into one aspect of the vision.

From the age of five or six years old I have been an observer of nature and a documenter of natural history Click here to view an example. The nesting habits of wild birds is of particular interest. The method I use to survey breeding birds in an area is to sit quietly in one spot for a set number hours (4 to 8 hours) observing the bird activity around me over a period of days. Over time, a flash…


Added by Keith Saylor on 8th mo. 10, 2019 at 12:33am — No Comments

A Different ministration of Life in relation to others.

I am encouraged and grateful my research into early Quakers is revealing many people within the early Quaker gathering who, through the appearance of the inherent Presence of the spirit of Christ in their consciousness and conscience, were (relatively speaking) drawn out of the process of relating to one another through the process of reflective thought to guide and rule their relationships, interactions, and worship. The nature of this different way of relating to and interacting with…


Added by Keith Saylor on 7th mo. 13, 2019 at 11:41am — No Comments

All Shadows, Types, and Figures

Let him to whom an Idol is nothing, to whom all shadows, Types and Figures, are come to an end, let him exercise his freedom; yet with all tender love and forbearance to those that see not the same liberty ...

Robert Rich "Hidden Things Brought to Light"

Added by Keith Saylor on 5th mo. 16, 2019 at 2:30pm — No Comments


Iconography: The process of guiding and informing human relationships and interactions through outward political, religious, and social ideological and pictorial representations or symbolic forms.

Christonomy: Human relationships and interactions guided and informed solely through the direct intuitive experience of immanent or inherent Presence of the spirit of Christ itself in itself ... a coming out of representational forms and into the thing itself which outward forms…


Added by Keith Saylor on 4th mo. 10, 2019 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Virtue out of the Shadows

Research Notes.

I am ever thankful for those early Quakers who, through the inshining Spirit, were come out of the process of idenitification with and participation in outward forms to guide and informs their relationships, laid down their testimonies in writing. For by so doing, they make it possible for those of us today who share the same spiritual experience to expose to our contemporaries that the Spirit was ministering in such a way even from the very beginnings of the…


Added by Keith Saylor on 3rd mo. 26, 2019 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Hidden Things Revealed

Research Note:

Robert Rich published a pamphlet in 1678 titled Hidden Things brought to Light or the Discord of the Grand Quakers Among Themselves. Discovered: In some Letters, Papers, and Passages written to and from George Fox, James Nayler, and John Perrott; Wherein may be seen the Cause and Ground of their Differences, and falling out: And what manner of Spirit moved and acted Each of Them.

I am currently scribing (as opposed to keyboarding) this…


Added by Keith Saylor on 3rd mo. 21, 2019 at 4:00pm — No Comments

A walk through time out of Time. Manifesting those Quakers out of all Appearances.

A walk through time out of Time. Manifesting those Quakers out of all Appearances.

Thirty years ago, I had an experience of seeing a different way of being, conscience and consciousness. It was a glimpse of a glimpse that held fast and true in the far periphery of Life; kissing consciousness. In that moment, I became Quaker. However, Quaker of a different sort.

For twenty years I have attended Quaker Assemblies of various sorts. There was a time I almost sought membership in…


Added by Keith Saylor on 12th mo. 3, 2018 at 8:14pm — 3 Comments

Help finding a specific word for a specific behavior.


Imagine this happened to you:

You are reading a book on a park bench and someone walks up to you and punches your arm then yells at you saying, “Hey you hit me.” 

Can anyone come up with a word for this behavior? I’m struggling to find a word that is right on target. Hypocrisy doesn’t seem to fit.

Thank you, Keith

Added by Keith Saylor on 10th mo. 17, 2018 at 1:15pm — 3 Comments

Those Early Quakers who were come out of the process of participation in and identification with outward Ecclesiastical and Magisterial Forms, Practices, and Prescriptions.

In 1673 a letter from an anonymous Quaker was published. This letter expressed the writer’s concern that those who were establishing outward structure to guide and inform the gathering were usurping the prerogative of the inshining Spirit itself in itself to rule and guide the gathering in and through the conscience and consciousness of people by forcing people in the gathering to follow their rule. He accused those establishment forces, who were admonishing or contending for submission to…


Added by Keith Saylor on 10th mo. 8, 2018 at 1:34pm — 3 Comments

The Christian Quaker by: William Rogers - Complete web and pdf versions.

In the year 1680, William Rogers published “The Christian Quaker Distinguished from the Apostate & Innovator, in Five Parts” as a response to what many Quakers at the time understood to be an introduction of a peremptory spirit into the gathering led by George Fox. This categorical process was manifested by George Fox’s establishment of outward institutional forms and prescriptions, the adherence to which, was enforced through ridicule and demonization and other activities over against…


Added by Keith Saylor on 9th mo. 12, 2018 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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