Primitive Christianity Revived, Again
I am in Michigan with my father, who is in Hospice and slowly dying. My family (mother, sisters, extended family) has come together to support him and someone has been with him 24/7 since he came to hospice last week.
I find the experience an inspiration. My father, has been good natured and aware of what is happening to him. He is a devout Methodist, and is at peace with his approaching death. He speaks about his desire to cross over to be his family (his mother, father and brothers)…
ContinueWell, I continue to grew in understanding of Quakerism. I continue to like what I read & experience. I continue to attend Meetings for Worship and enjoy each moment I am there and wishing I could attend more of them.
A couple of weeks ago, I was oncall for work. So I sat in the lobby with the greeter, just in case the cell phone went off.
My girlfriend has come with me too and she is enjoying the Meetings and is looking over some of the pamphlets I…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 10th mo. 19, 2011 at 12:32am — No Comments
Well, I finished much of "Friends for 300 years". I really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. I am now starting to read the Pacific Yearly Meeting's Faith and Practice. I also have a copy of Encounter with silence by John Punshon. So far I am enjoying the Faith and Practice so far.
I am now interested in what the different traditions of Quakers are.
I would be interested in going to a conservative Quaker meeting... just to see how it differs from the ones I…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 9th mo. 10, 2011 at 12:43am — 3 Comments
I find podcasts a wonderful way to learn about something... in this Quakers and Quakerism. I hope those inclined will continue to produce more podcasts as the ones I have listened to are great & I really get a sense of Quakerism through them.
I listen to podcasts regularly, while I am commuting. I was listening to podcasts by the Unity folks (via from iTunes). While I choose not to follow in their tradition, I did learned a lot and their thoughts & ideas have…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 9th mo. 1, 2011 at 11:50pm — No Comments
As I wonder around QuakerQuaker, I am feeling like I do when I go into a large-good book store, and enter the "Literature" section. There are just so many books, most of which I have not a clue about (having a high school education focused on welding and machining did not prepare me for Lit... oh well a challenge yet to overcome).
So I liked the name "Convergent Friends". I like how Convergent feels as a word. The symbolism. I read a bit about it... like the idea of it. As I…
ContinueTime goes by. Working. Relationship. chores. all take up time.
My collection of books is not getting smaller either. :)
So when does God or my Inner Light shine?
I do have some time while commuting, that I use to listen to Podcasts. I enjoy Podcasts. Unfortunately, there are not too many Quaker podcasts via iTunes that I have found.
I am reading "Friends of 300 years" a book a bought a number of years ago, but never read. I…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 8th mo. 18, 2011 at 1:02am — 4 Comments
It is late Thursday night. Just finished packing tomorrow's lunch and doing the dishes.
I have been reflecting on the Meeting I attended last Sunday. At the beginning of service, one of the "elders"(??) got up at the beginning of the worship and read from the .... oh I am forgetting the proper name... (basically a collection of people's writings related to different topics put together by the Pacific Yearly Meeting... sorry it is late). Anyways, he read a couple of pieces…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 8th mo. 12, 2011 at 1:52am — No Comments
Well, I got to start somewhere...
Several people at the San Francisco Meeting recommended I read "Friends for 300/350 years". Another recommendation was the "Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice". Guess I have some good reading ahead huh?!
I also signed up for the UK's Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre's "Becoming Friend" introduction to Quakerism.
It is…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 7th mo. 28, 2011 at 11:56pm — 3 Comments
Dear all those who stop by....
My name is Jon. I am 51. I am beginning a journey to understand & experience Quakerism and to see if it is my spiritual home.
Some background. I grew up in a Anglo/Scandivan-American, Mid-Western, Methodist, Teacher-parents, family. I attended the local church from as early as I can remember until I was 18. I enjoyed many aspects of going to church.... church camp, youth groups, hanging with friends at church or after, going…
ContinueAdded by Jon on 7th mo. 25, 2011 at 8:01pm — 3 Comments
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