"James Naylor": Walking the line between charity and safety: So now what do I do if he comes to Meeting? And what do I do if I am in a situation where it is just he and I in Meeting? Do I assume that God has my back? How does one tread that line of Christian love and charity, finding that of God in others, and staying…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 19, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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Joyce Ketterer, in Quaker Theology: When, at age 19, as an already avowed Quaker, I finally learned that much of that information was outright false I felt deeply betrayed... Despite intensive Quaker experience at the monthly and yearly meeting levels as well as through Friends General Conference, I was failed by the Quaker adults in charge of my religious education. The word “failed” here seems…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 19, 2010 at 6:00pm —
Wess Daniels: Lady Wisdom as Mid-Wife: During one of our periods of open worship God reminded me of the role of a mid-wife. We all know what a mid-wife does and that maybe this is the language, and the image, that we in the church need to start considering. Because here we are in the middle of troubling times. I think we have a lot of rubble that is being created all around us, more rubble…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 16, 2010 at 4:00am —
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Martin Kelley - Communities vs Religious Societies: A "religious society" is not just a "community." As a religious society we are called to have a vision that is stronger and bolder than the language or understanding of individual members. We are not a perfect community, but we can be made more perfect if we return to God to the fullness we've been given. That is why we've come together into a…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 15, 2010 at 4:00am —
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Colin Saxton on vision statements: A useful vision statement is sort of like a star to steer by. In the absence of a clearly illuminated path or an easy-to-read road map, a brightly lit star can keep us heading in the right direction. In ministry, when so many options are available to us and so many needs crying for attention, we need some sort of direction to help us stay focused on the work God called us to do.…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 14, 2010 at 4:00am —
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QuakerQuaker Editors Picks
Canby Jones wrote: "Committed to Jesus not only as Lord, but also as Prince of Peace and peacemaking as his warriors, we eschew anything to do with war and the things that make…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 1st mo. 30, 2010 at 4:00am —
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Nine Editor Picks including: "Friends as a Corrective for Culture," "Pain and the (Quaker?) world" and "Navigating the boundaries of sexuality," plus member posts and new events.
Obedient Linda: Friends as a Corrective for Culture
Everything that being a Friend has led me to has been counter-intuitive to the prevailing culture of individualism. Where my society would call me to be a…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 10th mo. 4, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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It's been a busy week: eighteen featured articles from across the web! Where else can you get this quality and diversity of fresh Quaker writing?
Join the "Quaker10 Club": The most helpful donation for QQ's future would be regular (us)$10/month donations from a core group of readers. A predictable income would give us the ability to add new exciting new features that have monthly bills attached to them. As an added…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 27, 2009 at 11:30am —
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Eileen Flanagan: Leadings and confronting our own failings
Recently, however, there has been an uncomfortable sense that God is calling us to make and advocate for changes more difficult and radical than adding solar panels or a green roof.... The willingness to confront both our own failings and the ways of the prevailing culture are among the qualities that have enabled Quakers to influence history…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 9th mo. 19, 2009 at 7:00pm —
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