Micah Bales - Setting off on the Quaker Youth Pilgrimage. The great challenge that I see before me, and for which I beg your prayers, is this: I am called to be like good potter's clay. I am to be yielded, receptive to whatever shape the Potter chooses to give me; yet I am also to be firm enough that I hold my given form, even against great external pressure. I pray that I…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 15, 2010 at 9:27am —
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Nanna Kapp: What Is The Function Of The Scriptures To Your Faith?I have found it very interesting to read the various different takes on what part the scriptures play in the lives of Quakers. How do you see their importance. Are the scriptures an account of God's relationship with man and His people? Are they meant as a guideline? An anchor? Do you follow them loosely or literally? Are they to be…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 14, 2010 at 8:06pm —
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A Passionate and Determined Ashley wrestles and fights with God. I think I sometimes unintentionally give the impression that this faith stuff is easy for me. It's not. It is very, very hard. But I committed to try to make God the center of my life, and I shouldn't be surprised when God moves in and disrupts all of the ideas I have about how my life should go.…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 14, 2010 at 6:03pm —
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Cubbie says he don’t show much these days. i would just love to feel confident in nonoppressive god-talk. or being firmer in my belief that even if god is not being spoken of, the same things are in the air and happening. and being able to point it out when it’s there and say, “this, this moment, this is what i mean by god.”…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 14, 2010 at 8:16am —
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Northwest Friends: Prayer and Outreach. I get asked a lot: “How can I pray for our Friends Serving Abroad?” I appreciate this concern because it comes from people who are convinced it matters. I’m not sure I know anything new about prayer, but I am convinced that it makes a difference. So why, as our focusing query suggests, should we pray “for those who are engaged in spreading the…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 13, 2010 at 2:00pm —
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C Wess Daniels: Queries and a Life of Discernment. Quakers have been living with questions for a really long time. These questions have been known as queries, most of you are familiar with them by now and they have a history of their own. The first reference I have found to queries is in George Fox’s journal in 1657. There he writes of queries that he posed to local professors and…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 13, 2010 at 2:00pm —
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Robin M: What Are Queries For Anyway? The Advices and Queries in PYM F&P are the closest we come to a statement of our faith and practice, and they always go together in the book. The A&Q were written by a committee that labored for a long time to come to unity on the right language and the right topics and the right number of sets of A&Q. That committee is called the Discipline…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 12, 2010 at 12:00pm —
1 Comment
Hystery Considers the Use of Story and Queries. I wander about my "real life" as one affected by these stories I read online. Fear, grief, pain, mourning, loss, renewal, urgency, faith, love, patience, awe- all of it echoes in me and calls forth from me an authentic response. They are all singing love songs to the Divine and I find that as I have developed relationships with them and with their…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 8, 2010 at 6:30pm —
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New Blog: Christians and Immigration in a Land of Contradictions. Supporting a conference sponsored by Northwest Yearly Meeting, George Fox University and the Mennonite Central Committee. "Each week a new essay will be posted. These essays are written by a variety of people from many different walks of life but they will all deal with the complex issue we are all concerned about: Immigration in the United States. Each…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 8, 2010 at 1:30pm —
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John Richards: Oppressive heat and Living Water. The severe weather alerts that are broadcast from new agencies and weather stations advise us to drink plenty of fluids to help our bodies cope with the life threatening and oppressive heat. In the Bible water is used as an allegory for Spirit. The modern world we live in is an inhospitable place, where anger, violence, crime, greed, and hate all…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 7, 2010 at 2:30pm —
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Iris recalls her conversion experience. I lived in fear of doing the wrong thing, of angering God, of disappointing my family, and thus losing their love. For years I worked very hard, striving to finally be good enough to deserve their love. Thankfully, I, too, had a wise friend, a Quaker woman, who convinced me that I’m beloved, that God loves me just as I am and yearns for me to be…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 6, 2010 at 3:30pm —
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C Wess Daniels: John Woolman is Dead. John Woolman is dead. Four simple words whispered to the ears of a dying man. At first these words offered only confusion, but in reflection they offered the key to Christian discipleship. The words of Paul came to him in that moment. John Woolman is dead, and we too need to die to ourselves and let Christ live through us. Woolman worked his whole life to sow to the…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:46am —
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Contemplative Scholar: Depression or Faith Crisis?I finally have to confess to myself that I've been in a serious faith crisis. This surprises me, because I am a person of very strong faith. What is different is that I haven't been talking with God much lately. It used to be that I was aware of God's presence and had a kind of friendly ongoing rapport with God. I would talk to God. But these…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:32am —
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Timothy Travis: The narrative theologies in Quaker journals. This kind of narrative speaks from one’s own experience (and not from, as I say, “second hand” or “hearsay” religion) and, if one does not run ahead of one’s measure of light, this narrative will not incude unwarranted, speculative and divisive conclusions about the nature, character or purposes of God that are not part of…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 6, 2010 at 9:00am —
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Rafting on an Ocean: The Price of Freedom. Mike Huber, Pastor at West Hills Friends Church, shares his thoughts on the price of Freedom and the many struggles for freedom that had no military might behind them.
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 5, 2010 at 3:10pm —
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Notes from a Presentation: On Being a Quaker. Very helpful summary of both process and content. 'Originally, I was thinking of what it means to be "a new kind of Quaker" as compared to "an old kind of Quaker." But I kept coming back to the theme of belonging to one another, belonging to Quakerism, and belonging to God.'…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 4, 2010 at 10:30am —
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Elise Boulding, Quaker Peace Activist, 1920-2010. New York Times Obituary: “A richer and more diversified peace culture than any of us can now easily imagine, an international global peace culture, is there to be built out of the languages and lifeways and knowledge and experience worlds of the ‘10,000 societies’ now spread across the 185 states of today’s world,” she wrote in “Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 2, 2010 at 11:30am —
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Johan Maurer: Friends Attitudes Toward Evil. I've no doubt that evil exists, but I'm a lot less sure about its definition. For my chapter on evangelical Friends' concepts of good and evil in the book
Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives,edited by Jackie Leach Scully and Ben Pink Dandelion, I tried to gather some definitions from Friends writings and a survey I circulated in the spring of 2006. What did I find?…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 1, 2010 at 8:00pm —
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Bill Clendineng: Who are we? One suggestion is that the Yearly Meeting is simply the collective identity of the people who constitute it. If we can blend together our collection of leadings, understandings and personalities in some way, we can identify who we are. But this only gives us a snapshot, like those group pictures that are taken on anniversaries and other special occasions.…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 7th mo. 1, 2010 at 6:20pm —
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Robert Griswold: Reflections on the Inner Light at Work. Experience of the Inward Light teaches us that we are not stuck solely in a relationship with self. There is that to be found within which is awesomely real and commanding. And this is not a fabrication of our minds. It is experienced personally but it is not subjective or shaped by the ego. This experience gives us the certain…
Added by QuakerQuaker on 6th mo. 30, 2010 at 11:00am —
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